This MapReduce system designed by mit6.824 is similar to the MapReduce paper, which includes a worker process that calls application Map and Reduce functions and handles reading and writing files, and a coordinator process that hands out tasks to workers and copes with failed workers.
map: 1 file -> reduceNum(3) intermeidate files
reduce: fileNum(2) intermediate files -> 1 reduce output
cat: reduceNum reduce outputs -> final output
worker: ask for 1 task, get 1 task, do the task, tell coordinator that the task is finished
coordinator: get request for 1 task, assign 1 task, set the task finished when worker finishes it
No | step | operation | concurrency |
0 | start MapReduce job | call MapReduce() | in parallelism |
1 | ask coordinator for a task | call Get RPC and receive task | in parallelism |
2 | do the task | perform_map / perform_reduce | exclusive |
3 | ask coordinator to set the task finished | call Put RPC (stub the task) | in parallelism |
- read 1 file
- map the file into an array of kv-pairs
- partition kv-pairs into nReduce tempFiles
- rename tempFiles into intermediate files
- read fileNum intermediate files and merge kv-pairs into 1 array
- sort the array
- compute the array into 1 tempFile
- rename the tempFile into 1 reduce ouput file
No | step | operation | concurrency |
0 | receive Get RPC | ||
1 | if not all map tasks are done, assign 1 map task | receive 1 map task from map_ch, assign it to Get reply | exclusive |
2 | if not all reduce tasks are done, assign 1 reduce task | receive 1 reduce task from reduce_ch, assign it to Get reply | exclusive |
3 | if all map tasks and all reduce tasks, return "Done" |
func (c *Coordinator) Get(req *GetRequest, resp *GetResponse) error {
*resp = c.WaitMap(req)
if resp.TaskType == Map {
return nil
*resp = c.WaitReduce(req)
if resp.TaskType == Reduce {
return nil
resp.TaskType = Done
return nil
wait for map / reduce task
if map_ch or reduce_ch is empty, wait for a short time and check again
func (c *Coordinator) WaitMap(req *GetRequest) GetResponse {
resp := GetResponse{}
for atomic.LoadInt64(&c.nMap) != c.total_map {
select {
case filename := <-c.map_ch:
if c.IsFinishedMapLock(filename) {
DPrintf("Assign Map: file %v\n", filename)
resp.Filename = filename
resp.Index = c.file2index[filename]
resp.NReduce = int(c.total_reduce)
resp.NMap = int(c.total_map)
resp.TaskType = Map
go c.CheckTimeOutMap(filename)
return resp
case <-time.After(TimeOutWaitMap):
return resp
check timeout for assigned task
if 1 task is assigned but not finished after 20s, send it to map_ch or reduce_ch
func (c *Coordinator) CheckTimeOutMap(filename string) {
if !c.IsFinishedMapLock(filename) {
DPrintf("Map %v Time out!", filename)
c.map_ch <- filename
No | step | operation | concurrency |
0 | receive Put RPC | in parallelism | |
1 | set 1 map task / 1 reduce task as finished | set task as finished, finishedNum += 1 | exclusive |
func (c *Coordinator) Put(req *PutRequest, resp *PutResponse) error {
switch taskType := req.TaskType; taskType {
case Map:
case Reduce:
return nil
func (c *Coordinator) HandlePutMap(req *PutRequest) {
if c.map_finish[req.Filename] {
c.map_finish[req.Filename] = true
atomic.AddInt64(&c.nMap, 1)
DPrintf("Task(Map): Filename %v Done!\n", req.Filename)
what is temp file?
when worker is computing result for intermeidate file / reduce output file, it will take a very long time. It is necessary to temporarily store the result in a tempFile then rename it after the whole computation are done.