Scripts used for the rdeval manuscript.
The following commands show how to access SRA accession numbers and metadata from NCBI, download the raw reads and generate summary statistics with rdeval. The process is heavily parallelized, with approximately 4 cores used by each rdeval process, and 8 experiments processed in parallel (32 cores total). SRA samples can optionally be randomly sampled.
First, we can use NCBI datasets and jq to parse the VGP umbrella BioProject and collect all SRA accessions associated with its genomes (here is jq's manual):
datasets summary genome accession PRJNA489243 > vgp-metadata.json
cat vgp-metadata.json | jq -r '.reports[] | .accession + "," + .assembly_info.assembly_name + "," + (.assembly_info.biosample.sample_ids[] | select(.db=="SRA").value)' >
Then we can download the data (requires fasterq-dump
in $PATH
) and compute summary statistics by generating .rd files (requires rdeval
in $PATH
bash 0.5 // sampling fraction, 1 for full data set
We aggregate metrics from multiple .rd files by either:
rdeval *.rd
Or if they don't fit in memory (i.e. in the hundreds):
for file in *.rd; do rdeval --tab $file | cut -f2 | sed "1q;d"; done | awk '{sum += $1}END{print sum}' # total number of reads
for file in *.rd; do rdeval --tab $file | cut -f2 | sed "2q;d"; done | awk '{sum += $1}END{print sum}' # total number of bases