The File System Emulator (FSE) is a UNIX/Linux File Subsystem that resides on the RAM
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File System Emulator
File System Emulator provides multiple functionalities that are similar to the UNIX/Linux File Subsystem. It provides necessary commands and system call implementations of the file system through customized shell. All necessary data structures of file system like Incore Inode Table, File Table, User File Descriptor Table are implemented. The entire file manipulation occurs on RAM and does not affect any secondary storage device.
Command | Description |
ls | To list out all the files |
clear | To clear the console |
create | Create a new file |
open | Open specific file |
close | Close specific file |
closeall | Close all the opened files |
read | To read contents from the file |
write | To write contents into the file |
truncate | To remove all the data from the file |
rm | To delete the file |
stat | Display information about the file |
fstat | Display information using the File Descriptor |
exit | To terminate the File System |
The Design of the UNIX Operating System by Maurice J. Bach