- Clone this project on your machine
git clone https://github.com/veax/veax.github.io.git
Follow jekyll instructions to install ruby and jekyll
Go in project directory
cd veax.github.io
Modify sources according to your needs
Remove all content from _site directory
rm -r _site/*
- Create gh-pages branch and clone your repo's gh-pages branch into the _site directory
git clone -b gh-pages `git config remote.origin.url` _site
- run your project in localhost to test
jekyll serve
- build jekyll sources in _site directory
jekyll build
- push your src branch changes on git
- push your gh-pages branch changes on git
cd _site
git add .
git commit -am 'Yeah. Built from subdir'
git push
- Configure you github repo settings to serve on web from gh-pages branch: Settings -> General -> Code and automation -> Pages -> Build and deployment -> Source : deploy from branch -> branch gh-pages : root -> save