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Add public Monte Carlo shotgun experiment code
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vdumoulin committed Apr 5, 2014
1 parent 1281149 commit c2b9b70
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340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions code/shotgun_monte_carlo/
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Monte Carlo estimator of pi.
usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-v] [-s]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH path to the directory containing sample images
-v, --visualize show figures being created
-s, --save save figures to disk
from os import listdir
from os.path import abspath, isfile, join
import argparse
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import rc
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage

# Pretty font for figures
rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern Roman']})
rc('text', usetex=True)

def generate_synthetic_samples(num_samples=25000):
Generate a set of synthetic data points.
Samples are normally distributed but bounded in [0, 1].
num_samples : int
Number of synthetic samples to draw
samples : numpy.ndarray
A (num_samples, 2)-sized batch of synthetic samples
samples = []
count = 0

while count < num_samples:
proposed_sample = numpy.random.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.3, size=(2,))
is_accepted = (proposed_sample[0] >= 0 and proposed_sample[0] <= 1 and
proposed_sample[1] >= 0 and proposed_sample[1] <= 1)
if is_accepted:
count += 1

samples = numpy.asarray(samples)

return samples

def estimate_pi(samples=None, show_results=False, save_results=False):
Return a Monte Carlo estimation of pi.
The value is obtained by estimating the expected value of g(x, y), where
x and y are random variables uniformly-distributed in [0, 1] and g(x, y) is
1 if x^2 + y^2 <= 1 and 0 otherwise.
This particular expected value can be viewed as the fraction of the area
of a unit square occupied by the quarter of a circle of radius 1 centered
around one of the corners of the square.
The data will most likely not be uniformly distributed; to compensate for
that, we use importance sampling by estimating the distribution of the
samples and weighting them accordingly.
samples : numpy.ndarray, optional
Data used to estimate the value of pi. Defaults to None, in which case
synthetic samples are used.
show_results : bool, optional
Whether to display figures on screen. Defaults to `False`.
save_results : bool, optional
Whether to save figures on disk. Defaults to `False`.
# Generate synthetic samples if no samples are provided
if samples is None:
print 'Generating synthetic samples...'
samples = generate_synthetic_samples(num_samples=25000)

x = samples[:, 0]
y = samples[:, 1]

g = x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= 1.0
print 'Estimating sample PDF...'
densities, x_bins, y_bins, sample_densities = _histogram_pdf(x, y)

pi_estimate = 4 * (g / sample_densities).mean()
pi_error = numpy.abs((pi_estimate - numpy.pi) / numpy.pi)

# Print the estimate and relevant information
print "The estimate of pi is %(pi)6.5f, with an error of %(error)4.2f%%" % \
{"pi": pi_estimate, "error": 100 * pi_error}
print "Estimation done with %(n)i data points" % {'n': samples.shape[0]}

# Plot the data points along with the quarter circle for reference
# Plot data points
pyplot.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
pyplot.scatter(x, y, marker='.', color='0.5', edgecolor='0.5',
theta = numpy.linspace(start=0.0, stop=numpy.pi/2.0, num=100)
pyplot.plot(numpy.cos(theta), numpy.sin(theta), color='k',
linewidth=2.5, linestyle='--')
if save_results:
# Plot PDF
pyplot.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
pyplot.pcolor(x_bins, y_bins, densities,
pyplot.plot(numpy.cos(theta), numpy.sin(theta), color='k',
linewidth=2.5, linestyle='--')
cbar = pyplot.colorbar()'$f(x, y)$')
if save_results:

if show_results:

def histogram_pdf(x, y, x_min=0 - 1e-5, x_max=1 + 1e-5, y_min=0 - 1e-5,
y_max=1 + 1e-5, min_bins=1, max_bins=50, num_folds=20):
x : `numpy.ndarray`
x-coordinates of the points
y : `numpy.ndarray`
y-coordinates of the points
x_min : `float`, optional
Lower bound for the x bins of the histogram. Defaults to 0.
x_max : `float`, optional
Upper bound for the x bins of the histogram. Defaults to 1.
y_min : `float`, optional
Lower bound for the y bins of the histogram. Defaults to 0.
y_max : `float`, optional
Upper bound for the y bins of the histogram. Defaults to 1.
min_bins : `int`, optional
max_bins : `int`, optional
pdf : `numpy.ndarray`
x_bins : `numpy.ndarray`
y_bins : `numpy.ndarray`
densities : `numpy.ndarray`
fold_indexes = []
fold_length = x.shape[0] / num_folds
for fold in xrange(num_folds):
fold_indexes.append((fold * fold_length, (fold + 1) * fold_length))

optimal_num_bins = None
optimal_log_likelihood = -numpy.infty
for num_bins in xrange(min_bins, max_bins + 1):
valid_densities = []
for begin_index, end_index in fold_indexes:
train_x = numpy.concatenate([x[:begin_index], x[end_index + 1:]])
train_y = numpy.concatenate([y[:begin_index], y[end_index + 1:]])
valid_x = x[begin_index:end_index]
valid_y = y[begin_index:end_index]

pdf, x_bins, y_bins, densities = _histogram_pdf(train_x, train_y,
x_min, x_max,
y_min, y_max,

x_indexes = (valid_x / x_max * num_bins).astype(int)
y_indexes = (valid_y / y_max * num_bins).astype(int)
valid_densities.extend(pdf[[x_indexes, y_indexes]])
if numpy.min(valid_densities) > 0:
mean_log_likelihood = numpy.log(valid_densities).mean()
if mean_log_likelihood > optimal_log_likelihood:
optimal_log_likelihood = mean_log_likelihood
optimal_num_bins = num_bins

return _histogram_pdf(x, y, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, optimal_num_bins)

def _histogram_pdf(x, y, x_min=0 - 1e-5, x_max=1 + 1e-5, y_min=0 - 1e-5,
y_max=1 + 1e-5, num_bins=25):
Estimate the probability density function of a set of points using the
2D histogram method and the PDF value for each of those points.
x : `numpy.ndarray`
x-coordinates of the points
y : `numpy.ndarray`
y-coordinates of the points
x_min : `float`, optional
Lower bound for the x bins of the histogram. Defaults to 0.
x_max : `float`, optional
Upper bound for the x bins of the histogram. Defaults to 1.
y_min : `float`, optional
Lower bound for the y bins of the histogram. Defaults to 0.
y_max : `float`, optional
Upper bound for the y bins of the histogram. Defaults to 1.
num_bins : `int`
Number of bins per dimension. Total number of bins will be
`num_bins x num_bins`. Defaults to 10.
pdf : `numpy.ndarray`
x_bins : `numpy.ndarray`
y_bins : `numpy.ndarray`
densities : `numpy.ndarray`
pdf, x_bins, y_bins = numpy.histogram2d(x, y,
range=((x_min, x_max),
(y_min, y_max)),

x_indexes = (x / x_max * num_bins).astype(int)
y_indexes = (y / y_max * num_bins).astype(int)
densities = pdf[[x_indexes, y_indexes]]

return pdf, x_bins, y_bins, densities

def extract_samples(directory_path=None, show_results=False):
Extract data points from target scans located in `directory_path`
directory_path : `str`, optional
Path to the directory containing the images. Defaults to `None`, in
which case a test image is used.
show_results : `bool`, optional
If `True` plot each image overlayed with the data points extracted from
it. Defaults to `False`.
samples : `numpy.ndarray`
All extracted samples
directory_path = abspath(directory_path)
samples = []
paths_list = []
if directory_path is not None:
paths_list.extend([join(directory_path, f) for f in
listdir(directory_path) if
isfile(join(directory_path, f))
and f.endswith('jpg')])
paths_list.append('/Users/vdumoulin/Development/sheldon/' +

for path in paths_list:
# Load image
image = scipy.misc.imread(path, flatten=True)
# Smooth the image (to remove small variations)
smoothed_image = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, 0)
# Set the threshold
threshold = 50
# Binarize the image according to the threshold
binarized_image = smoothed_image > threshold
# Find connected components
labeled_image, num_objects = ndimage.label(binarized_image)
# Find all centers of mass
centers_of_mass = numpy.asarray(ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(
numpy.arange(num_objects) + 1

# Normalize centers of mass
normalized_centers_of_mass = numpy.zeros_like(centers_of_mass)
normalized_centers_of_mass[:, 0] = centers_of_mass[:, 1] / \
normalized_centers_of_mass[:, 1] = 1.0 - centers_of_mass[:, 0] / \
# Add normalized centers of mass to samples

# Optionally plot the centers of mass over the original image for
# verification puposes
if show_results:
x = centers_of_mass[:, 1]
y = centers_of_mass[:, 0]
pyplot.axis([0, image.shape[1], image.shape[0], 0])
pyplot.imshow(image, cmap=pyplot.get_cmap('gray'))
pyplot.scatter(x, y, marker='.', color='r', edgecolor='r',

# Concatenate all samples into a single numpy array
samples = numpy.vstack(samples)
return samples

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", default=None,
help="path to the directory containing sample images")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--visualize", action="store_true",
help="show figures being created")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--save", action="store_true",
help="save figures to disk")
args = parser.parse_args()

samples = None
data_path = args.path
if data_path is not None:
print 'Retrieving samples...'
samples = numpy.load(data_path)
estimate_pi(samples=samples, show_results=args.visualize,
Binary file added code/shotgun_monte_carlo/data.npy
Binary file not shown.

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