Classroom Extended is a student engagement portal developed by @vd152 under Microsoft Engage 2021 program.
Live app:
Build a functional prototype of a platform that gives students an array of digital academic and social tools to stay engaged with their studies, peers and broader university community during pandemic.
Click here to open the web application.
- User Authentication and session storage with JWT tokens
- Vaccination Certificate Verification (only for India)
- Class scheduler with preference for mode of class
- Discussion forum
- Admin panel to modify user role permission and forum moderation
Server: NodeJs, ExpressJs
Client: ReactJs
Database: MongoDB
Documentation: Doc
- I divided the 3-week program into four sprints. Each sprint consists of 5-6 days.
- In the first sprint, I researched on the problem statement and decided the major features of the application i.e. Class Scheduler and Online Forum Community.
- I completed the flow of my application and decided the models that my application will contain in the first week itself.
- In the second sprint, I started making the web application, beginning with the application initialization, router setup, models creations, and user authentication. I also began creating the UI of the application and the admin panel.
- In the third sprint, I implemented the Group and Scheduler features along with setting up permissions for the user roles.
- In the final sprint, I integrated the vaccine certification verification provided by COWIN India and implemented the Forum post, likes and comments features.
Clone project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Engage
Install backend dependencies
npm install
Install frontend dependencies
cd ./client/
npm install
Create .env file in project root
Start the development by running following in project root in different terminals
npm start
npm run client