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Tekkub's TourGuide Addon backported for WoW 1.12 with tweaks for TurtleWoW
Recommended Downloads: pfQuest & pfUI | TomTomVanilla
Optional addon: TourGuide_Professions
- Automatic detection of objective completion
- Detect quest accept, completion and turnin
- Detect travel (by foot, flight, boat and stone)
- Detection of flight point discovery
- Detection of Hearth point change
- Conditionals based on player’s class and item possession (only tell the player to accept the quest if they have the item that starts the quest)
- Small “lego block” style frame shows current objective, detailed tooltips on hover
- “Use item” frame, for those annoying quests where you have to use an item on a mob before you kill it, or you have to equip something, or you have to use an item to start a quest
- Pop out frame for detailed view of quest sequence
- Automatic mapping of coordinates with TomTom and questgiver locations from pfQuest if installed
Guides list, plus few others didnt make it into the screenshot (Plaguelands, Silithus, Winterspring), too many for one screen xD
- Tekkub
- Cralor
- Road-block
- Rsheep
- Azgaardian
- Kyliexx
- laytya
- jb6357
- Ez-mode
- Gescht
- Vaniron