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Words, Words, Words, Longings, Longings, Longings

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@valrus valrus released this 20 Jul 16:51
· 17 commits to master since this release

This release adds lyric searching and display, if you set yourself up with a Genius API account. Or you can skip that and just rely on the lyrics in your audio files, if you set mpd up to connect via UNIX socket.

I got a new keyboard, so the default hotkeys have also changed substantially. You are of course welcome to change them.

This workflow now requires Python 3, so if you're not on a Mac OS release that includes it, you'll have to install it. Also, the Python dependencies are now cordoned off in a separate directory and no longer checked into GitHub. If you want to hack on this workflow, you can do so with python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib.

Release name is from "Suicide Demo for Kara Walker," off Destroyer's 2011 album Kaputt.