📣📡💥 The Autonolas bounty program and its details are available here.
This repository contains the Autonolas OLAS
token and the governance part of the on-chain protocol.
A graphical overview of the whole on-chain architecture is available here:
Please note that
contract is not part of the diagram.
We follow the standard governance setup by OpenZeppelin. Our governance token is a voting escrow token (veOLAS
) created by locking OLAS
An overview of the design is provided here and the contracts' specifications are provided here.
For team incentivisation we have a burnable locked OLAS
token - buOLAS
In order to deploy OLAS and veOLAS contracts via the create2() method, the following contract is utilized for vanity addresses:
To address several found veOLAS
contract view functions issues, a wrapper contract wveOLAS
is implemented:
The changelog leading to the implementation of wveOLAS
can be found here: Changelog_v1.1.0
To complement, a list of known vulnerabilities can be found here: Vulnerabilities list
In order to manage cross-bridge transactions via the Timelock
contract on L2 networks, the following contracts are implemented:
- Polygon PoS: FxGovernorTunnel;
- Gnosis: HomeMediator;
- Optimism and Base: OptimismMessenger;
- L2 networks without own native bridge: WormholeMessenger;
The functionality thereby enabled is outlined in detail here: Cross-chain governance.
Exceptionally, some changes to the Autonolas Protocol can be executed by a community-owned multisig wallet (CM), bypassing the governance process (see here). To align CM actions with the DAO’s intent and ensure their reversibility, the following contracts are implemented:
- GuardCM
- VerifyData
- ProcessBridgedDataArbitrum
- ProcessBridgedDataGnosis
- ProcessBridgedDataOptimism
- ProcessBridgedDataPolygon
- ProcessBridgedDataWormhole
- VerifyBridgedData
The functionality enabled by this modular guard mechanism is introduced here.
The following contract was implemented to allow DAO members (via veOLAS) to vote on staking programs and trigger Olas Staking emissions, assigning weights according to their preferences"
This contracts adopts a model similar to the Curve Gauge Controller, maintains a list of gauges and their associated weights. Modifications from the original Curve Gauge Controller include granting anyone the ability to add staking contracts by removing ownership control on this functionality, and eliminating additional categorization by contract type. For more details on VotingWeight, see Olas staking smart contracts and Olas staking whitepaper.
- This repository follows the standard
development process. - The code is written on Solidity starting from version
. - The standard versions of Node.js along with Yarn are required to proceed further (confirmed to work with Yarn
and npx/npm10.1.0
and nodev18.17.0
The project has submodules to get the dependencies. Make sure you run git clone --recursive
or init the submodules yourself.
The dependency list is managed by the package.json
and the setup parameters are stored in the hardhat.config.js
Simply run the following command to install the project:
yarn install
The contracts and tests are located in the following folders respectively:
Compile the code:
npx hardhat compile
Run the tests:
npx hardhat test
Run the Voting Escrow forking tests (please make sure the ALCHEMY_API_KEY
environmental variable is set):
npm run fork
If you are running using amd64 (eg. Mac M1), please export the newly build image from the docker-build image. You can find more information here.
docker buildx create --name amdBuilder --driver docker-container --bootstrap
docker buildx use amdBuilder
To build the docker image:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t valory/autonolas-governance:dev . --load
To build the docker image with the default docker engine:
docker build -t valory/autonolas-governance:dev .
To run the docker image:
docker run -p 8545:8545 -it valory/autonolas-governance:dev
The PR process is managed by github workflows, where the code undergoes several steps in order to be verified. Those include:
- code installation
- running linters
- running tests
Several test scripts have been written in order to compare the behavior of veOLAS and veCRV, which can be found here: veCompare.
The original Voting Escrow ABI is located here: veCRV ABI.
One can run the forking test via the npm run fork
command as described above.
The deployment of contracts to the test- and main-net is split into step-by-step series of scripts for more control and checkpoint convenience. The description of deployment procedure can be found here: deployment.
The finalized contract ABIs for deployment and their number of optimization passes are located here: ABIs.
Depending on the network, the cross-chain functionalities enabled are outlined in detail here: Cross-chain governance.
In order to correctly pack the data and supply it to the Timelock such that it is correctly processed across the bridge, use the following script: cross-bridge data packing.
Autonolas will use the FxPortal developed and designed by the Polygon team to support cross-chain bridging from Ethereum to Polygon.
For running a test between goerli
and mumbai
, run the test script with your own credentials:
hello world bridge test
and goerli-mumbai
governor bridge test.
Note that the script must be run without Hardhat environment, i.e.: node test_script.js
Autonolas will use the Arbitrary Message Bridge developed and designed by the Gnosis team to support cross-chain bridging from Ethereum to Gnosis Chain.
For running a test between goerli
and chiado
, run the test script with your own credentials:
hello world bridge test
and goerli-chiado
governor bridge test.
Note that the script must be run without Hardhat environment, i.e.: node test_script.js
Autonolas will use the Address Aliasing mechanism in order to directly send messages between L1 and L2 via the Inbox.
Autonolas will use the L1 Cross Domain Messenger developed and designed by the Optimism team to support cross-chain bridging from Ethereum to Optimism / Base Chains.
For running a test between L1 sepolia
and L2 sepolia
, run the test script with your own credentials:
governor bridge test
and sepolia-base-sepolia
governor bridge test.
Note that the script must be run without Hardhat environment, i.e.: node test_script.js
Note that if a native bridge is not available on a specific network, the Wormhole message passing protocol is utilized in order to manage the data transfer between L1 and L2-s. For example, this is the case for the Celo network.
For running a test between L1 sepolia
and L2 celo alfajores
, run the test script with your own credentials:
governor bridge test.
Note that the script must be run without Hardhat environment, i.e.: node test_script.js
The description of bridge-related deployment procedure is very similar to the original deployment process and can be found here:
Autonolas will use native bridges for ERC20 token transfers, where possible. If a native bridge is not available or does not correspond to all the required specifications, the Wormhole Portal is utilized in order to manage the ERC20 token transfers between L1 and L2-s.
For more information about OLAS bridging see here
The contract design facilitating token bridging between the Polygon and Ethereum networks, along with the underlying motivations driving the creation of these contracts, is outlined here: Bridging token.
The description of ERC20 token bridging deployment between Polygon and Ethereum can be found here: deployment.
All the project-related documents are located here: docs.
The list of optimization considerations and best practices exercised during the development of Autonolas governance can be found here.
- The audit is provided as development matures. The latest audit report can be found here: audits.
- The list of known vulnerabilities can be found here: Vulnerabilities list.
The static audit checks all the deployed contracts on-chain info correctness and can be run using the following script:
node scripts/audit_chains/audit_contracts_setup.js
The list of contract addresses for different chains and their full contract configuration can be found here.
In order to test the protocol setup on all the deployed chains, the audit script is implemented. Make sure to export required API keys for corresponding chains (see the script for more information). The audit script can be run as follows:
node scripts/audit_chains/audit_contracts_setup.js
The Autonolas OLAS
contract was inspired and based on in parts by the following sources:
- Rari-Capital. Last known audited version:
; - Maple Finance. Last known audited version:
The veOLAS
and VoteWeighting
contracts were inspired and based on the following sources:
The governance contracts and the rest was inspired and based on the following sources:
The bridging contracts were based on and inspired by the following sources: