This file contains basic overview of diagnostics and procedure to build the package.
The diagnostics system is designed to collect information from hardware drivers and robot hardware to users and operators for analysis, troubleshooting, and logging. The diagnostics stack contains tools for collecting, publishing, analyzing and viewing diagnostics data.
The diagnostic package contains following sub packages
1. diagnostic_aggregator
2. diagnostic_analysis
3. diagnostic_common_diagnosstics
4. diagnostic_updator
5. self_test
The basic details about each sub package can be found in file named present in each sub package.
The diagnostic package has dependency on bond-core (ROS2 package) and some system libraries e.g. psutil
1.1 To install bond-core package, copy the code from bond-core repository and build with diagnostic package.
1.2 The psutil can be installed for python3 by executing command
# sudo -H python3 -m pip install psutil
Build package
1. Get pacakge at local system
1.1 # mkdir -p diagnostics/src
1.2 # cd diagnostics/src
1.3 # git clone [email protected]:kishornaik10/bond_core.git
or git clone
(checkout for ros2-devel branch)
1.4 # git clone [email protected]:vaibhavbhadade/diagnostics.git
(checkout for ros2-devel branch)
1.5 # source /opt/ros/crystal/
2. Build the package
2.1 # cd ../
2.2 # colcon build
3. To run tests, Please refer ros2_migration_readme, which is present in each sub package
ROS2 Migration changes
The basic concept and design are same as ROS.
All changes for migration have been done as per Migration guide.
The ros2_migration_readme is available in each sub package which contains basic overview of sub package, build and test procedure to test sub package, migration changes done with respect to migration from ROS to ROS2. The readme file also contains the limitations of package.