Vaadin Spring 1.1.0
- new navigator class SpringNavigator
- inherit SpringNavigator for better view scope functionality
- supports getting the error view from the application context
- supports view activation and de-activation events
- SpringNavigator is auto-configured as a bean
- by default with Spring Boot
- with the configuration annotation @EnableVaadinNavigation in non-Boot projects
- @SpringViewDisplay annotation can be used on a bean or a bean class to define navigation target
- implements ViewDisplay or extends (Single)ComponentContainer
- Various view scope, view provider and view activation related fixes
- SpringViewProvider is more extensible for customization and is now UI scoped
- added SpringViewProvider.getViewNamesForCurrentUI()
- Fixed caching of on-the-fly compiled themes in Spring Boot applications packaged as JARs
- Backwards incompatible changes
- a view scoped view is now recreated every time it is navigated to instead of being reused
- now error view is shown instead of access denied view for non-existing views
- It is possible to use properties in @theme, @title and in the path parameter of @springui
- Dependencies updated to Vaadin 7.7.3, Spring 4.3.3 and Spring Boot 1.4.1 by default
- Now using a GitHub based workflow, contributions as pull requests
To disable navigation support entirely in a Spring Boot application, use:
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = com.vaadin.spring.boot.VaadinAutoConfiguration.class)