This bot tracks added keywords in added channels or groups, then it forwards messages with keywords to added recipients. Keywords by adding have transform to regex-patterns. And keywords, which have more than 1 word that have separation between, so if words from the same keyword that are came across in message not nearby each other, it's anyway compatible with pattern
At first, just set your own values in bot/
It has two parts. Client and Bot. Bot has only admin panel, so that's availible only who there is in admin-list at bot/ Admin panel is necessary to manage data (add/delete channels, words, recipients). Client is user account. Client automatically joins to added channels and forwards some messages to recipients
Run Script's going to ask user account's password, then bot token or phone number(and pin-code). Don't give him the bot token! Otherwise userside will be performing botside work. It isn't convenient, because usual bots have some restrictions. Next remains only adding the data through the bot interface and getting messages from the user account.
There you go!