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PermissionedSettings: drop flexibility in columns to stand for user
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achlipala committed Sep 14, 2019
1 parent 31028aa commit 8052f1a
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Showing 2 changed files with 36 additions and 48 deletions.
46 changes: 20 additions & 26 deletions permissionedSettings.ur
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,29 @@
open Bootstrap4

type t (u :: {Type}) (w :: Type) (d :: Type) = {
Create : $u -> transaction w,
type t (w :: Type) (d :: Type) = {
Create : string -> transaction w,
Render : w -> xbody,
Value : w -> signal d,
Apply : $u -> d -> transaction unit
Apply : string -> d -> transaction unit

con singleRowTable1 (fs :: {(Type * Type * Type)}) = option $(map snd3 fs)
con singleRowTable2 (fs :: {(Type * Type * Type)}) = option $(map fst3 fs)
fun singleRowTable [u ::: {Type}] [group :: Name] [auth ::: {Type}] [aks ::: {{Unit}}]
fun singleRowTable [u ::: Name] [group :: Name] [auth ::: {Type}] [aks ::: {{Unit}}]
[fs ::: {(Type * Type * Type)}] [fks ::: {{Unit}}]
[u ~ auth] [[group] ~ u ++ auth]
(ufl : folder u) (uinjs : $(map sql_injectable u))
[[u] ~ auth] [[group] ~ [u = string] ++ auth]
(fl : folder fs) (ws : $(map Widget.t' fs))
(injs : $(map (fn p => sql_injectable p.1) fs))
(title : string)
(auth : sql_table (u ++ [group = bool] ++ auth) aks)
(auth : sql_table ([u = string, group = bool] ++ auth) aks)
(fs : sql_table (map fst3 fs) fks)
(labels : $(map (fn _ => string) fs))
: t u (singleRowTable1 fs) (singleRowTable2 fs) =
: t (singleRowTable1 fs) (singleRowTable2 fs) =
fun check u =
oneRowE1 (SELECT COUNT( * ) > 0
FROM auth
WHERE {@@Sql.easy_where [#Auth] [u] [[group = bool] ++ auth]
[[]] [_] [_] ! ! uinjs ufl u}
WHERE auth.{u} = {[u]}
AND auth.{group})
{Create = fn u =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,29 +78,27 @@ fun singleRowTable [u ::: {Type}] [group :: Name] [auth ::: {Type}] [aks ::: {{U

con tableWithAcl1 (kt :: Type) (fs :: {(Type * Type * Type)}) = list (kt * $(map snd3 fs))
con tableWithAcl2 (kt :: Type) (fs :: {(Type * Type * Type)}) = list (kt * $(map fst3 fs))
fun tableWithAcl [u ::: {Type}] [k ::: Name] [kt ::: Type] [auth ::: {Type}] [aks ::: {{Unit}}]
fun tableWithAcl [u ::: Name] [k ::: Name] [kt ::: Type] [auth ::: {Type}] [aks ::: {{Unit}}]
[k2 ::: Name] [fs ::: {(Type * Type * Type)}] [fks ::: {{Unit}}]
[u ~ [k]] [u ++ [k = kt] ~ auth] [[k2] ~ fs]
(ufl : folder u)
(uinj : $(map sql_injectable u)) (kinj : sql_injectable_prim kt)
[[u] ~ [k]] [[u = string, k = kt] ~ auth] [[k2] ~ fs]
(kinj : sql_injectable_prim kt)
(fl : folder fs) (ws : $(map Widget.t' fs))
(injs : $(map (fn p => sql_injectable_prim p.1) fs))
(title : kt -> string)
(auth : sql_table (u ++ [k = kt] ++ auth) aks)
(auth : sql_table ([u = string, k = kt] ++ auth) aks)
(fs : sql_table ([k2 = kt] ++ map fst3 fs) fks)
(labels : $(map (fn _ => string) fs))
: t u (tableWithAcl1 kt fs) (tableWithAcl2 kt fs) =
: t (tableWithAcl1 kt fs) (tableWithAcl2 kt fs) =
{Create = fn u =>
List.mapQueryM ({{{@sql_query1 [[]] ! ! ! !
{Distinct = False,
From = @@sql_left_join [[]] [[Auth = u ++ [k = kt] ++ auth]]
From = @@sql_left_join [[]] [[Auth = [u = string, k = kt] ++ auth]]
[[Fs = map (fn t => (t, option t)) ([k2 = kt] ++ map fst3 fs)]]
! ! ! {Fs = @mp [sql_injectable_prim] [fn t => nullify t (option t)] @@nullify_prim
(@Folder.concat ! _ ( [fst3] [fs] fl)) ({k2 = kinj} ++ injs)}
(FROM auth) (FROM fs)
(WHERE auth.{k} = fs.{k2}),
Where = @@Sql.easy_where [#Auth] [u] [[k = kt] ++ auth]
[[Fs = _]] [_] [_] ! ! uinj ufl u,
Where = (WHERE auth.{u} = {[u]}),
GroupBy = sql_subset_all [_],
Having = (WHERE TRUE),
SelectFields = sql_subset [[Auth = ([k = kt], _), Fs = (map (fn p => option p.1) fs, _)]],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +133,7 @@ fun tableWithAcl [u ::: {Type}] [k ::: Name] [kt ::: Type] [auth ::: {Type}] [ak (fn (k, v) =>
allowed <- oneRowE1 (SELECT COUNT( * ) > 0
FROM auth
WHERE {@@Sql.easy_where [#Auth] [u] [[k = kt] ++ auth]
[[]] [_] [_] ! ! uinj ufl u}
WHERE auth.{u} = {[u]}
AND auth.{k} = {[k]});
if not allowed then
error <xml>Access denied</xml>
Expand All @@ -152,8 +147,8 @@ fun tableWithAcl [u ::: {Type}] [k ::: Name] [kt ::: Type] [auth ::: {Type}] [ak

type compose1 (a :: Type) (b :: Type) = a * b
type compose2 (a :: Type) (b :: Type) = a * b
fun compose [u ::: {Type}] [a1 ::: Type] [b1 ::: Type] [a2 ::: Type] [b2 ::: Type]
(a : t u a1 a2) (b : t u b1 b2) : t u (compose1 a1 b1) (compose2 a2 b2) = {
fun compose [a1 ::: Type] [b1 ::: Type] [a2 ::: Type] [b2 ::: Type]
(a : t a1 a2) (b : t b1 b2) : t (compose1 a1 b1) (compose2 a2 b2) = {
Create = fn u =>
w1 <- a.Create u;
w2 <- b.Create u;
Expand All @@ -172,12 +167,11 @@ fun compose [u ::: {Type}] [a1 ::: Type] [b1 ::: Type] [a2 ::: Type] [b2 ::: Typ

functor Make(M : sig
con u :: {Type}
type p1
type p2
val t : t u p1 p2
val t : t p1 p2

val whoami : transaction (option $u)
val whoami : transaction (option string)
end) = struct
open M

Expand Down
38 changes: 16 additions & 22 deletions permissionedSettings.urs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,50 @@
(* Based on current user, make available different tweakable database fields. *)

con t :: {Type} -> Type -> Type -> Type
(* First parameter gives columns representing user identities,
* while second and third parameters are private state types. *)
con t :: Type -> Type -> Type
(* Parameters are private state types. *)

con singleRowTable1 :: {(Type * Type * Type)} -> Type
con singleRowTable2 :: {(Type * Type * Type)} -> Type
val singleRowTable : u ::: {Type} -> group :: Name -> auth ::: {Type} -> aks ::: {{Unit}}
val singleRowTable : u ::: Name -> group :: Name -> auth ::: {Type} -> aks ::: {{Unit}}
-> fs ::: {(Type * Type * Type)} -> fks ::: {{Unit}}
-> [u ~ auth] => [[group] ~ u ++ auth]
=> folder u
-> $(map sql_injectable u)
-> folder fs
-> [[u] ~ auth] => [[group] ~ [u = string] ++ auth]
=> folder fs
-> $(map Widget.t' fs)
-> $(map (fn p => sql_injectable p.1) fs)
-> string (* title *)
-> sql_table (u ++ [group = bool] ++ auth) aks
-> sql_table ([u = string, group = bool] ++ auth) aks
(* Users table, to check if this user belongs to the named group *)
-> sql_table (map fst3 fs) fks
(* The eponymous single-row table *)
-> $(map (fn _ => string) fs) (* labels *)
-> t u (singleRowTable1 fs) (singleRowTable2 fs)
-> t (singleRowTable1 fs) (singleRowTable2 fs)

con tableWithAcl1 :: Type -> {(Type * Type * Type)} -> Type
con tableWithAcl2 :: Type -> {(Type * Type * Type)} -> Type
val tableWithAcl : u ::: {Type} -> k ::: Name -> kt ::: Type -> auth ::: {Type} -> aks ::: {{Unit}}
val tableWithAcl : u ::: Name -> k ::: Name -> kt ::: Type -> auth ::: {Type} -> aks ::: {{Unit}}
-> k2 ::: Name -> fs ::: {(Type * Type * Type)} -> fks ::: {{Unit}}
-> [u ~ [k]] => [u ++ [k = kt] ~ auth] => [[k2] ~ fs]
=> folder u
-> $(map sql_injectable u)
-> sql_injectable_prim kt
-> [[u] ~ [k]] => [[u = string, k = kt] ~ auth] => [[k2] ~ fs]
=> sql_injectable_prim kt
-> folder fs
-> $(map Widget.t' fs)
-> $(map (fn p => sql_injectable_prim p.1) fs)
-> (kt -> string) (* title *)
-> sql_table (u ++ [k = kt] ++ auth) aks
-> sql_table ([u = string, k = kt] ++ auth) aks
(* Access control list, to check which users may change which resources *)
-> sql_table ([k2 = kt] ++ map fst3 fs) fks
(* The table to be modified *)
-> $(map (fn _ => string) fs) (* labels *)
-> t u (tableWithAcl1 kt fs) (tableWithAcl2 kt fs)
-> t (tableWithAcl1 kt fs) (tableWithAcl2 kt fs)

con compose1 :: Type -> Type -> Type
con compose2 :: Type -> Type -> Type
val compose : u ::: {Type} -> a1 ::: Type -> b1 ::: Type -> a2 ::: Type -> b2 ::: Type
-> t u a1 a2 -> t u b1 b2 -> t u (compose1 a1 b1) (compose2 a2 b2)
val compose : a1 ::: Type -> b1 ::: Type -> a2 ::: Type -> b2 ::: Type
-> t a1 a2 -> t b1 b2 -> t (compose1 a1 b1) (compose2 a2 b2)

functor Make(M : sig
con u :: {Type}
type p1
type p2
val t : t u p1 p2
val t : t p1 p2

val whoami : transaction (option $u)
val whoami : transaction (option string)
end) : Ui.S0

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