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MetalCreator666 committed Jan 13, 2025
2 parents bcdd3b2 + 1123c8d commit 73c71db
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Showing 4 changed files with 615 additions and 9 deletions.
152 changes: 147 additions & 5 deletions DeRhamCohomology/DifferentialForm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,56 @@ import DeRhamCohomology.ContinuousAlternatingMap.Wedge

noncomputable section

open Filter ContinuousAlternatingMap
open Filter ContinuousAlternatingMap Set
open scoped Topology

variable {E F F' F'' : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E]
variable {E F F' F'' G : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace ℝ E]
[NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace ℝ F]
[NormedAddCommGroup F'] [NormedSpace ℝ F']
[NormedAddCommGroup F''] [NormedSpace ℝ F'']
{n m : ℕ}
[NormedAddCommGroup G] [NormedSpace ℝ G]
{n m k : ℕ}

-- TODO: change notation
notation "Ω^" n "⟮" E ", " F "⟯" => E → E [⋀^Fin n]→L[ℝ] F

variable {v : E}
variable (ω τ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯)
variable (f : E → F)

theorem add_apply : (ω + τ) v = ω v + τ v :=

theorem sub_apply : (ω - τ) v = ω v - τ v :=

theorem neg_apply : (-ω) v = -ω v :=

theorem smul_apply (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) (c : ℝ) : (c • ω) v = c • ω v :=

theorem zero_apply : (0 : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) v = 0 :=

/- The natural equivalence between differential forms from `E` to `F`
and maps from `E` to continuous 1-multilinear alternating maps from `E` to `F`. -/
def ofSubsingleton :
(E → E →L[ℝ] F) ≃ (Ω^1⟮E, F⟯) where
toFun f := fun e ↦ ContinuousAlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton ℝ E F 0 (f e)
invFun f := fun e ↦ (ContinuousAlternatingMap.ofSubsingleton ℝ E F 0).symm (f e)
left_inv _ := rfl
right_inv _ := by simp

/- The constant map is a differential form when `Fin n` is empty -/
def constOfIsEmpty (x : F) : Ω^0⟮E, F⟯ :=
fun _ ↦ ContinuousAlternatingMap.constOfIsEmpty ℝ E (Fin 0) x

/-- Exterior derivative of a differential form. -/
def ederiv (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) : Ω^n + 1⟮E, F⟯ :=
fun x ↦ .uncurryFin (fderiv ℝ ω x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +86,108 @@ theorem ederiv_ederiv_apply (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) {x} (h : ContDiffAt ℝ 2 ω x
theorem ederiv_ederiv (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) (h : ContDiff ℝ 2 ω) : ederiv (ederiv ω) = 0 :=
funext fun _ ↦ ederiv_ederiv_apply ω h.contDiffAt

/- Exterior derivative of a differential form within a set -/
def ederivWithin (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) (s : Set E) : Ω^n + 1⟮E, F⟯ :=
fun (x : E) ↦ .uncurryFin (fderivWithin ℝ ω s x)

theorem ederivWithin_univ (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) :
ederivWithin ω univ = ederiv ω := by
ext1 x
rw[ederivWithin, ederiv, fderivWithin_univ]

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ω₂) (hx : ω₁ x = ω₂ x) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x := by
simp only[ederivWithin, uncurryFin, hs.fderivWithin_eq hx]

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq_of_mem {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ω₂) (hx : x ∈ s) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x :=
hs.ederivWithin_eq (mem_of_mem_nhdsWithin hx hs :)

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq_of_insert {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝[insert x s] x] ω₂) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x := by
apply Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq (nhdsWithin_mono _ (subset_insert x s) hs)
exact (mem_of_mem_nhdsWithin (mem_insert x s) hs :)

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin' {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s t : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ω₂) (ht : t ⊆ s) : ederivWithin ω₁ t =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ederivWithin ω₂ t :=
(eventually_eventually_nhdsWithin.2 hs).mp <|
eventually_mem_nhdsWithin.mono fun _y hys hs =>
EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq (hs.filter_mono <| nhdsWithin_mono _ ht)
(hs.self_of_nhdsWithin hys)

protected theorem Filter.EverntuallyEq.ederivWithin {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ω₂) : ederivWithin ω₁ s =ᶠ[𝓝[s] x] ederivWithin ω₂ s :=
hs.ederivWithin' Subset.rfl

theorem Filter.EventuallyEq.ederivWithin_eq_nhds {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(h : ω₁ =ᶠ[𝓝 x] ω₂) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x :=
(h.filter_mono nhdsWithin_le_nhds).ederivWithin_eq h.self_of_nhds

theorem ederivWithin_congr {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : EqOn ω₁ ω₂ s) (hx : ω₁ x = ω₂ x) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x :=
(hs.eventuallyEq.filter_mono inf_le_right).ederivWithin_eq hx

theorem ederivWithin_congr' {ω₁ ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {s : Set E} {x : E}
(hs : EqOn ω₁ ω₂ s) (hx : x ∈ s) : ederivWithin ω₁ s x = ederivWithin ω₂ s x :=
ederivWithin_congr hs (hs hx)

theorem ederivWithin_apply (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) {s : Set E} {x : E}
(h : DifferentiableWithinAt ℝ ω s x) (hs : UniqueDiffWithinAt ℝ s x) (v : Fin (n + 1) → E) :
ederivWithin ω s x v = ∑ i, (-1) ^ i.val • fderivWithin ℝ (ω · (i.removeNth v)) s x (v i) := by
simp only [ederivWithin, ContinuousAlternatingMap.uncurryFin_apply,
ContinuousAlternatingMap.fderivWithin_apply h hs]

theorem ederivWithin_ederivWithin_apply (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) {s : Set E} {t : Set (E →L[ℝ] E [⋀^Fin n]→L[ℝ] F)} {x}
(hxx : x ∈ closure (interior s)) (hx : x ∈ s) (hst : MapsTo (fderivWithin ℝ ω s) s t)
(h : ContDiffWithinAt ℝ 2 ω s x) (hs : UniqueDiffOn ℝ s) :
ederivWithin (ederivWithin ω s) s x = 0 := calc
ederivWithin (ederivWithin ω s) s x =
uncurryFin (fderivWithin ℝ (fun y ↦ uncurryFin (fderivWithin ℝ ω s y)) s x) := rfl
_ = uncurryFin (uncurryFinCLM.comp <| fderivWithin ℝ (fderivWithin ℝ ω s) s x) := by
congr 1
have : DifferentiableWithinAt ℝ (fderivWithin ℝ ω s) s x := (h.fderivWithin_right hs le_rfl hx).differentiableWithinAt le_rfl
exact (uncurryFinCLM.hasFDerivWithinAt.comp x this.hasFDerivWithinAt hst).fderivWithin (hs.uniqueDiffWithinAt hx)
_ = 0 :=
uncurryFin_uncurryFinCLM_comp_of_symmetric <| h.isSymmSndFDerivWithinAt le_rfl hs hxx hx

theorem ederivWithin_ederivWithin (ω : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯) {s : Set E} {t : Set (E →L[ℝ] E [⋀^Fin n]→L[ℝ] F)}
(hst : MapsTo (fderivWithin ℝ ω s) s t) (h : ContDiffOn ℝ 2 ω s) (hs : UniqueDiffOn ℝ s) :
EqOn (ederivWithin (ederivWithin ω s) s) 0 (s ∩ (closure (interior s))) :=
fun _ ⟨ hx, hxx ⟩ => ederivWithin_ederivWithin_apply ω hxx hx hst (h.contDiffWithinAt hx) hs

/- Pullback of a differential form -/
def pullback (f : E → F) (ω : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) : Ω^k⟮E, G⟯ :=
fun x ↦ (ω (f x)).compContinuousLinearMap (fderiv ℝ f x)

theorem pullback_zero (f : E → F) :
pullback f (0 : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) = 0 :=

theorem pullback_add (f : E → F) (ω : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) (τ : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) :
pullback f (ω + τ) = pullback f ω + pullback f τ :=

theorem pullback_sub (f : E → F) (ω : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) (τ : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) :
pullback f (ω - τ) = pullback f ω - pullback f τ :=

theorem pullback_neg (f : E → F) (ω : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) :
- pullback f ω = pullback f (-ω) :=

theorem pullback_smul (f : E → F) (ω : Ω^k⟮F, G⟯) (c : ℝ) :
c • (pullback f ω) = pullback f (c • ω) :=

theorem pullback_ofSubsingleton (f : E → F) (ω : F → F →L[ℝ] G) :
pullback f (ofSubsingleton ω) = ofSubsingleton (fun e ↦ (ω (f e)).comp (fderiv ℝ f e)) :=

theorem pullback_constOfIsEmpty (f : E → F) (g : G) :
pullback f (constOfIsEmpty g) = fun _ ↦ (ContinuousAlternatingMap.constOfIsEmpty ℝ E (Fin 0) g) :=

/- Wedge product of differential forms -/
def wedge_product (ω₁ : Ω^m⟮E, F⟯) (ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F'⟯) (f : F →L[ℝ] F' →L[ℝ] F'') :
Ω^(m + n)⟮E, F''⟯ := fun e => ContinuousAlternatingMap.wedge_product (ω₁ e) (ω₂ e) f
Expand All @@ -61,10 +201,12 @@ theorem wedge_product_def {ω₁ : Ω^m⟮E, F⟯} {ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F'⟯} {f

/- The wedge product wrt multiplication -/
theorem wedge_product_mul {ω₁ : Ω^m⟮E, ℝ⟯} {ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, ℝ⟯} {x : E} :
(ContinuousLinearMap.mul ℝ ℝ ∧ [ω₁, ω₂]) x = ContinuousAlternatingMap.wedge_product (ω₁ x) (ω₂ x) (ContinuousLinearMap.mul ℝ ℝ) :=
(ContinuousLinearMap.mul ℝ ℝ ∧ [ω₁, ω₂]) x =
ContinuousAlternatingMap.wedge_product (ω₁ x) (ω₂ x) (ContinuousLinearMap.mul ℝ ℝ) :=

/- The wedge product wrt scalar multiplication -/
theorem wedge_product_lsmul {ω₁ : Ω^m⟮E, ℝ⟯} {ω₂ : Ω^n⟮E, F⟯} {x : E} :
(ContinuousLinearMap.lsmul ℝ ℝ ∧ [ω₁, ω₂]) x = ContinuousAlternatingMap.wedge_product (ω₁ x) (ω₂ x) (ContinuousLinearMap.lsmul ℝ ℝ) :=
(ContinuousLinearMap.lsmul ℝ ℝ ∧ [ω₁, ω₂]) x =
ContinuousAlternatingMap.wedge_product (ω₁ x) (ω₂ x) (ContinuousLinearMap.lsmul ℝ ℝ) :=

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