This is a basic rails app that demonstrates how to upload files using the aws-sdk gem. This app utilizes Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3). Amazon S3 is an excellent service for storing uploads.
- version 4.2
Before you get started with this app you will need to create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account (if you don't already have one). AWS has a free tier that you can utilize which will suffice for this app. After creating your AWS account, log in.
After creating your account and logging in go to your AWS Management console. It should look similar to this (as of October 2014):
Under 'Storage & Content Delivery' click on 'S3'.
After clicking on 'S3' under your management console, you will then be taken to a screen that looks similar to this:
This is your S3 dashbaord. You will need to create a bucket. All files that you upload to S3 are stored in buckets. I usually create one bucket per rails application that I build. Create your first bucket by clicking on the 'Create Bucket' button. I'll name mine 'my-first-bucket-tutorial' (bucket names must be unique across regions so pick a bucket name you like). Select the region that is closest to you.
After you create your bucket it should show up in the list of buckets. Go ahead and click on that bucket. Nothing's there? Good. It should be empty because you haven't uploaded anything yet! Let's build a rails application that will upload files to your bucket.
If you haven't already updated your Rails gem to version 4.2 you can find more information on that here: The rest of this guide assumes you are running on Rails 4.2.
First create your rails app:
$ rails new upload_app
Next add the aws-sdk gem to your Gemfile
gem `aws-sdk`
Don't forget to run bundle install:
$ bundle install
Great, we're off to a good start. What do we need next? We need some routes. Add this line to your config/routes.rb
resources :uploads
Run rake routes in your terminal. We've got some new routes now. Lets an add upload controller for these routes:
$ rails g controller Uploads new create index
We now have routes, and a controller to handle requests to those routes
We also have some view files to handle those routes (create these if you don't already have them):
We're going to need a form to upload our files. Open up your app/views/uploads/new.html.erb
file and type this in:
<h1>Upload a file</h1>
<%= form_tag uploads_path, enctype: 'multipart/form-data' do %>
<%= file_field_tag :file %>
<%= submit_tag 'Upload file' %>
<% end %>
Notice the use of form_tag
. We aren't going to be dealing with an object so we don't need to use form_for
instead we use form_tag
. We're going to use uploads_path
for the action. The POST /uploads
request maps to the uploads#create
action which you can find by running $ rake routes
in your terminal. For the sake of navigation, let's route our root_path to /uploads/new
Add this to your routes.rb
root 'uploads#new'
You're going to need credentials to communicate with AWS. Learn more about how to get your AWS security credentials here After you have your security credentials be sure to set them in your environment.
Keep your security credentials secure. Never expose your AWS_SECRET_KEY
It can help to put the bucket your working with in the ENV as well. Substitute in the name of your bucket you created earlier.
Before we begin using the AWS::S3 API we need to configure our app with the AWS sdk. We do this by using the security credentials we set up in the ENV earlier.
Add an initializer file called aws.rb
in your config/initializers/
directory. Put this code inside your aws.rb
initializer file:
:access_key_id => ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
Since this is an initializer file don't forget to restart your application. Now your application can talk to AWS.
Type the following code into your controller. We'll go through this line by line after.
class UploadsController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
# Make an object in your bucket for your upload
obj = S3_BUCKET.objects[params[:file].original_filename]
# Upload the file
file: params[:file],
acl: :public_read
# Create an object for the upload
@upload =
url: obj.public_url,
name: obj.key
# Save the upload
redirect_to uploads_path, success: 'File successfully uploaded'
else[:notice] = 'There was an error'
render :new
def index
Lets take a look at the first line:
# Make an object in your bucket for your upload
obj = S3_BUCKET.objects[params[:file].original_filename]
We can create objects in our S3 bucket using the following syntax:
object = bucket.objects['insert-your-key'];
We've already defined the bucket in the aws.rb
initializer file we created earlier. So we can just use S3_BUCKET
to reference what bucket we are trying to create an object in.
Next we call the objects['insert-your-key']
method to create the object in our bucket. The key we insert is the name it gets in the bucket.
Our code looks a little different. Our key looks like this:
This is because we want our object to have the name of the file we uploaded. File uploads get stored in the params hash so we can get the name of the uploaded file using params[:file].original_filename
Using this line we create the object in S3 and save the object for further use.
# Upload the file
file: params[:file],
acl: :public_read
Using the object we created in the first line we can use the write
method to actually write the file to S3. We pass in two params:
- file: params[:file]
- acl: :public_read
The :file
param points to the actual file we need to upload.
The acl: :public_read
tells S3 to make this file publicly accessible.
We're going to need some way to keep track of what uploads got uploaded to S3 and where we can find them. We can do this by saving an upload object to the database that contains the URL and name of the S3 object.
# Create an object for the upload
@upload =
url: obj.public_url,
name: obj.key
If the object is successfully uploaded we can call .public_url
on it to get the URL to access it
You might be wondering, wait... we didn't create an Upload model yet to save to our database? You're right. We'll get to that.
Save and redirect to all of our uploads or simply render the new form.
# Save the upload
redirect_to uploads_path, success: 'File successfully uploaded'
else[:notice] = 'There was an error'
render :new
Let's create an upload model to store information about our uploaded files:
$ rails g model Upload url name
Migrate the database:
$ rake db:migrate
Great we're pretty close to done.
Now lets create a view that shows all of the uploaded files we've saved.
First go and gather all of the uploads in your controller app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb
class UploadsController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
# ...
def index
@uploads = Upload.all
Put this view into your app/views/uploads/index.html.erb
<h1>All uploads</h1>
<% @uploads.each do |upload| %>
<%= link_to, upload.url %>
<% end %>
Start up the rails server and start uplooading files to see your work in action. After you upload your file go to your index page and click on the link to go the file. You can see your files in S3 by logging into AWS, going to your S3 dashboard, and navigating into your bucket.