This is a modified script with many changes, check source at ubuntu-server-setup.
This is a setup script to automate the setup and provisioning of Ubuntu servers. It does the following:
- Install git
- Adds or updates a user account with sudo access
- Adds a public ssh key for the new user account
- Disables password authentication to the server
- Deny root login to the server
- Setup Uncomplicated Firewall
- Create Swap file based on machine's installed memory
- Setup the timezone for the server (Default to "Europe/Berlin")
- Install Network Time Protocol
- Install Docker
After cloning and modifying the settings.txt file to your purpose, Either follow the first method:
- SSH into your server and run the following command:
sudo wget
or submit the above
as post-installation script in your Virtual Server Setup
There are two files in the settings directory. Both of these files must be modified as per your needs.
- options.txt
When the setup script is run, it will read this file to avoid prompting for things like username of the new user account, timezone of the server, etc.
The syntax of options.txt file is
uname <username>
tzone <timezone> Europe/Berlin
pubkey <path-to-public-key-file>
docker <yes/no>
This file is used to add a public ssh key for the new account. The public ssh key should be from your local machine. To generate an ssh key from your local machine you can use the following instructions.
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/filename
cat ~/.ssh/