You can use this C# client library to integrate Univerge Blue Extend API into your application. To do this, you will need an Univerge Blue account. Before you start, we recommend that you visit our Developer Portal.
You can use this C# client library to integrate Univerge Blue APIs to your application. To use this, you'll need a Univerge Blue account. Before you start we recommend to visit our Developer Portal.
The SDK is compiled with .NET Standard 2.0 target. You can use the libraries with .NET 4.6.1 and above. .NET Core is also supported starting from version 2.0. Learn more about the compatibilities at Microsoft Docs.
The SDK consists of several packages, which are available at NuGet.
- UnivergeBlue.SDK.Voice provides a client for Voice API
- UnivergeBlue.SDK.Meetings provides a client for Meetings API
- UnivergeBlue.SDK.Analytics provides a client for Analytics API
- UnivergeBlue.SDK.AddressBook provides a client for Address Book API
- UnivergeBlue.SDK provides all functionality
To install the C# client library with the full functionality using NuGet, run the following command from the terminal in your projects directory:
dotnet add package UnivergeBlue.SDK
Or run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package UnivergeBlue.SDK
If you prefer to run commands directly from source:
- clone this repository
git clone
; - add the extend-dotnet-sdk/UnivergeBlue.SDK.csproj file to your .sln file;
- add the extend-dotnet-sdk/UnivergeBlue.SDK.csproj file as a project dependency of you project e.g.
<ProjectReference Include="../extend-dotnet-sdk/UnivergeBlue.SDK.csproj" />
Our experienced clients are recommended to install only the required libraries to decrease the size of an application result bundle. For example, if you are going to use the Analytics API, install UnivergeBlue.SDK.Analytics only.
Below is the list of Univerge Blue APIs and the information on their support by Univerge Blue .NET SDK.
API | API Release Status | Supported? |
Meeting API | General Availability | ✅ |
Analytics API | General Availability | ✅ |
Address Book API | General Availability | ✅ |
Voice API | General Availability | ✅ |
Contact Center API | In Development | ❌ |
Univerge Blue uses JWT tokens to get access to the API. If you are going to use a full SDK package, you will be provided with a generic IAuthorizationTokenProvider
If you want to use a specified package for an API, you should provide an authorization delegate.
var token = "YOUR_JWT_TOKEN";
Func<string, Task<string>> tokenProvider = scope => Task.FromResult(token);
var unifiedClient = new AddressBookClient(tokenProvider);
You can use our ConnectSDK.Auth package to get the target token provider. Our implementation is used for prototypes and examples. We strongly recommend that you create your own implementation of the interface.
First, you need to create an instance of the ClientCredentialsConfiguration class:
var clientCredsConfig = new ClientCredentialsConfiguration(
authBaseUrl: "AUTH_BASE_URL",
clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET");
After this step is completed, you will be able to get the token provider and pass it to the API client:
var clientCredsTokenProvider = Authorization.BuildAuthorizationTokenProvider(clientCredsConfig);
var uniteClient = new UnifiedClient(clientCredsTokenProvider);
First, you need to create an instance of the AuthorizationCodeConfiguration class:
var authCodeConfig = new AuthorizationCodeConfiguration(
authBaseUrl: "AUTH_BASE_URL",
clientId: "CLIENT_ID",
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET",
redirectUrl: "REDIRECT_URL",
deviceId: "DEVICE_ID");
You also need to obtain the authorization code yourself using the "/authorize" endpoint. After this step is completed, you will be able to get the token provider and pass it to the API client:
var authorizationCode = "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION_CODE";
var authCodeTokenProvider = await Authorization.BuildAuthorizationTokenProvider(authCodeConfig, authorizationCode);
var uniteClient = new UnifiedClient(authCodeTokenProvider);
The token provider implementation of the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE is not supported in the current version of the ConnectSdk.Auth package.
If you want to use several different OAuth flows in your project, refer to the AuthorizationRouterTokenProvider class by passing token providers to it:
var tokenRouter = new AuthorizationRouterTokenProvider(clientCredsTokenProvider, authCodeTokenProvider);
Afterwards, you will be able to pass them to the API client.
var uniteClient = new UnifiedClient(tokenRouter);
var token = "YOUR_JWT_TOKEN";
var tokenProvider = new SimpleAuthorizationTokenProvider(token);
var unifiedClient = new UnifiedClient(tokenProvider);
var meetingsClient = unifiedClient.MeetingsClient;
var userDetails = await meetingsClient.GetUserDetails();
var meetingInfo = await meetingsClient.StartNewMeetingWithDetails();
var detailedMeetingInfo = await meetingsClient.GetMeetingDetails(meetingInfo.Data.MeetingCode);
Please visit our Developer Portal.
var addressBookClient = unifiedClient.AddressBookClient;
var userDetails = await addressBookClient.GetUserDetails();
var contacts = await addressBookClient.GetContacts();
var avatarId = contacts.Results[0].AvatarId;
var avatar = await addressBookClient.GetAvatar(avatarId);
Please visit our Developer Portal.
var analyticsClient = unifiedClient.AnalyticsClient;
var dateFrom = new DateTime(2021, 01, 01);
var dateTo = new DateTime(2021, 02, 01);
var detailedCalls = await analyticsClient.GetDetailedCalls(dateFrom, dateTo);
var dateFrom = new DateTime(2021, 01, 01);
var dateTo = new DateTime(2021, 02, 01);
var filters = new UsageHistoryBody
CallAttributes = new[] { "outbound" }
var usageHistory = await analyticsClient.GetUsageHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, filters);
Please visit our Developer Portal.
var callsClient = unifiedClient.VoiceClient.CallsClient;
var devices = await callsClient.GetDevices();
var deviceId = devices.ClickToCallDevices[0].Id;
var phoneNumber = "5551000";
var makeCallBody = new MakeCallBody(deviceId, phoneNumber);
var makeCallResponse = await callsClient.MakeCall(makeCallBody);
var callId = makeCallResponse.CallId;
var terminateResponse = await callsClient.TerminateCall(callId);
Action<CallEvent> eventHandler = callEvent =>
Console.WriteLine($"A call status for a call with {callEvent.CallId} was changed on {callEvent.EventType}");
var hub = callsClient.CreateSubscription(eventHandler);
Please visit our Developer Portal.
These libraries are released under the MIT License.