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Pass around shared map of solved existentials
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ChrisPenner committed May 29, 2024
1 parent d484a58 commit 46119b4
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 52 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/PrintError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ renderCompilerBug env _src bug = mconcat $ case bug of

renderContext ::
(Var v, Ord loc) => Env -> C.Context v loc -> Pretty (AnnotatedText a)
renderContext env ctx@(C.Context es) =
renderContext env ctx@(C.Context es _) =
" Γ\n "
<> intercalateMap "\n " (showElem ctx . fst) (reverse es)
Expand Down
114 changes: 63 additions & 51 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Typechecker/Context.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ topLevelComponent = TopLevelComponent . fmap (over _2 removeSyntheticTypeVars)
-- generalize types stored in the notes.
substituteSolved ::
(Var v, Ord loc) =>
[Element v loc] ->
Map v (Monotype v loc) ->
InfoNote v loc ->
InfoNote v loc
substituteSolved ctx (SolvedBlank b v t) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ scope' p (ErrorNote cause path) = ErrorNote cause (path `mappend` pure p)
scope :: PathElement v loc -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
scope p (MT m) = MT \ppe pmcSwitch datas effects env -> mapErrors (scope' p) (m ppe pmcSwitch datas effects env)

newtype Context v loc = Context [(Element v loc, Info v loc)]
data Context v loc = Context [(Element v loc, Info v loc)] (Map v (Monotype v loc))

data Info v loc = Info
{ existentialVars :: Set v, -- set of existentials seen so far
Expand All @@ -484,14 +484,25 @@ data Info v loc = Info

-- | The empty context
context0 :: Context v loc
context0 = Context []
context0 :: Ord v => Context v loc
context0 = Context [] mempty

context :: Ord v => [(Element v loc, Info v loc)] -> Context v loc
context elems = Context elems (computeSolvedExistentials (fst <$> elems))

computeSolvedExistentials :: Ord a => [Element a loc] -> Map a (Monotype a loc)
computeSolvedExistentials elems =
elems & mapMaybe (\case
Solved _ v t -> Just (v, t)
_ -> Nothing
& Map.fromList

occursAnn :: (Var v) => (Ord loc) => TypeVar v loc -> Context v loc -> Bool
occursAnn v (Context eis) = any p es
occursAnn v (Context eis solved) = any p es
es = fst <$> eis
p (Ann _ ty) = v `Set.member` ABT.freeVars (applyCtx es ty)
p (Ann _ ty) = v `Set.member` ABT.freeVars (applyCtx solved ty)
p _ = False

-- | Focuses on the first element in the list that satisfies the predicate.
Expand All @@ -505,38 +516,38 @@ focusAt p xs = go [] xs
-- | Delete from the end of this context up to and including
-- the given `Element`. Returns `Nothing` if the element is not found.
retract0 :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Maybe (Context v loc, [Element v loc])
retract0 e (Context ctx) = case focusAt (\(e', _) -> e' == e) ctx of
retract0 e (Context ctx _) = case focusAt (\(e', _) -> e' == e) ctx of
Just (discarded, _, remaining) ->
-- note: no need to recompute used variables; any suffix of the
-- context snoc list is also a valid context
Just (Context remaining, map fst discarded)
Just (context remaining, map fst discarded)
Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Adds a marker to the end of the context, runs the `body` and then discards
-- from the end of the context up to and including the marker. Returns the result
-- of `body` and the discarded context (not including the marker), respectively.
-- Freshened `markerHint` is used to create the marker.
markThenRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc (a, [Element v loc])
markThenRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc (a, [Element v loc], Map v (Monotype v loc))
markThenRetract hint body =
markThenCallWithRetract hint \retract -> adjustNotes do
r <- body
ctx <- retract
pure ((r, ctx), substituteSolved ctx)
(ctx, solved) <- retract
pure ((r, ctx, solved), substituteSolved solved)

markThenRetract0 :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc ()
markThenRetract0 markerHint body = () <$ markThenRetract markerHint body

markThenCallWithRetract ::
(Var v, Ord loc) =>
v ->
(M v loc [Element v loc] -> M v loc a) ->
(M v loc ([Element v loc], Map v (Monotype v loc)) -> M v loc a) ->
M v loc a
markThenCallWithRetract hint k = do
v <- freshenVar hint
extendContext (Marker v)
k (doRetract (Marker v))
doRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> M v loc [Element v loc]
doRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> M v loc ([Element v loc], Map v (Monotype v loc))
doRetract e = do
ctx <- getContext
case retract0 e ctx of
Expand All @@ -554,7 +565,7 @@ markThenCallWithRetract hint k = do
inst = apply ctx
Foldable.traverse_ go (solved ++ unsolved)
setContext t
pure discarded
pure (discarded, computeSolvedExistentials discarded)

-- unsolved' :: Context v loc -> [(B.Blank loc, v)]
-- unsolved' (Context ctx) = [(b,v) | (Existential b v, _) <- ctx]
Expand All @@ -570,11 +581,11 @@ breakAt ::
Element v loc ->
Context v loc ->
Maybe (Context v loc, Element v loc, [Element v loc])
breakAt m (Context xs) =
breakAt m (Context xs _) =
case focusAt (\(e, _) -> e === m) xs of
Just (r, m, l) ->
-- l is a suffix of xs and is already a valid context
Just (Context l, fst m, map fst r)
Just (context l, fst m, map fst r)
Nothing -> Nothing
Existential _ v === Existential _ v2 | v == v2 = True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -649,7 +660,7 @@ appendContext = traverse_ extendContext
markRetained :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Set v -> M v loc ()
markRetained keep = setContext . marks =<< getContext
marks (Context eis) = Context (fmap mark eis)
marks (Context eis _) = context (fmap mark eis)
mark (Existential B.Blank v, i)
| v `Set.member` keep = (Var (TypeVar.Existential B.Retain v), i)
mark (Solved B.Blank v t, i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,14 +758,14 @@ wellformedType c t = case t of

-- | Return the `Info` associated with the last element of the context, or the zero `Info`.
info :: (Ord v) => Context v loc -> Info v loc
info (Context []) = Info mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
info (Context ((_, i) : _)) = i
info (Context [] _) = Info mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
info (Context ((_, i) : _) _) = i

-- | Add an element onto the end of this `Context`. Takes `O(log N)` time,
-- including updates to the accumulated `Info` value.
-- Fail if the new context is not well formed (see Figure 7 of paper).
extend' :: (Var v) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Either (CompilerBug v loc) (Context v loc)
extend' e c@(Context ctx) = Context . (: ctx) . (e,) <$> i'
extend' e c@(Context ctx _) = context . (: ctx) . (e,) <$> i'
Info es ses us uas vs = info c
-- see figure 7
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -946,8 +957,8 @@ apply :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Context v loc -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
apply ctx = apply' (solvedExistentials . info $ ctx)

-- | Replace any existentials with their solution in the context (given as a list of elements)
applyCtx :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Element v loc] -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
applyCtx elems = apply' $ Map.fromList [(v, sa) | Solved _ v sa <- elems]
applyCtx :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Map v (Monotype v loc) -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
applyCtx = apply'

apply' :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Map v (Monotype v loc) -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
apply' _ t | Set.null (Type.freeVars t) = t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1107,16 +1118,14 @@ synthesizeTop ::
M v loc (Type v loc)
synthesizeTop tm = do
(ty, want) <- synthesize tm
ctx <- getContext
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want (out ctx)
ctx@(Context es solved) <- getContext
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want (fst <$> es) solved
when (not $ null want) . failWith $ do
(Type.flattenEffects . snd =<< want)
applyM ty
out (Context es) = fmap fst es

-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, updating the context in
-- the process. Also collect wanted abilities.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1222,11 +1231,11 @@ synthesizeWanted (Term.Let1Top' top binding e) = do
pure (t, want)
synthesizeWanted (Term.LetRecNamed' [] body) = synthesizeWanted body
synthesizeWanted (Term.LetRecTop' isTop letrec) = do
((t, want), ctx2) <- markThenRetract (Var.named "let-rec-marker") $ do
((t, want), ctx2, solved2) <- markThenRetract (Var.named "let-rec-marker") $ do
e <- annotateLetRecBindings isTop letrec
synthesize e
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want ctx2
pure (generalizeExistentials ctx2 t, want)
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want ctx2 solved2
pure (generalizeExistentials ctx2 solved2 t, want)
synthesizeWanted (Term.Handle' h body) = do
-- To synthesize a handle block, we first synthesize the handler h,
-- then push its allowed abilities onto the current ambient set when
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1403,10 +1412,10 @@ synthesizeBinding top binding = do
if top
then do
ctx <- retract
pure ((generalizeExistentials ctx tb, []), substituteSolved ctx)
(ctx, solved) <- retract
pure ((generalizeExistentials ctx solved tb, []), substituteSolved solved)
else do
ctx <- retract
(ctx, solved) <- retract
-- Note: this is conservative about what we avoid
-- generalizing. Right now only TDNR causes variables to be
-- retained. It might be possible to make this happen for any
Expand All @@ -1423,7 +1432,7 @@ synthesizeBinding top binding = do
| Solved b _ sa <- ctx,
retain b,
TypeVar.Existential _ v <-
Set.toList . ABT.freeVars . applyCtx ctx $ Type.getPolytype sa
Set.toList . ABT.freeVars . applyCtx solved $ Type.getPolytype sa
keep = Set.fromList (erecs ++ srecs)
p (Existential _ v)
Expand All @@ -1433,8 +1442,8 @@ synthesizeBinding top binding = do
(repush, discard) = partitionEithers $ fmap p ctx
appendContext repush
markRetained keep
let tf = generalizeExistentials discard (applyCtx ctx tb)
pure ((tf, []), substituteSolved ctx)
let tf = generalizeExistentials discard (computeSolvedExistentials discard) (applyCtx solved tb)
pure ((tf, []), substituteSolved solved)

getDataConstructorsAtType :: forall v loc. (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc (EnumeratedConstructors (TypeVar v loc) v loc)
getDataConstructorsAtType t0 = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1856,7 +1865,7 @@ annotateLetRecBindings isTop letrec =
annotateLetRecBindings' useUserAnnotations = do
(bindings, body) <- letrec freshenVar
let vs = map fst bindings
((bindings, bindingTypes), ctx2) <- markThenRetract Var.inferOther $ do
((bindings, bindingTypes), ctx2, solved2) <- markThenRetract Var.inferOther $ do
let f (v, binding) = case binding of
-- If user has provided an annotation, we use that
Term.Ann' e t | useUserAnnotations -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1891,7 +1900,7 @@ annotateLetRecBindings isTop letrec =
-- compute generalized types `gt1, gt2 ...` for each binding `b1, b2...`;
-- add annotations `v1 : gt1, v2 : gt2 ...` to the context
let bindingArities = Term.arity <$> bindings
gen bindingType _arity = generalizeExistentials ctx2 bindingType
gen bindingType _arity = generalizeExistentials ctx2 solved2 bindingType
bindingTypesGeneralized = zipWith gen bindingTypes bindingArities
annotations = zipWith Ann vs bindingTypesGeneralized
appendContext annotations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2067,12 +2076,12 @@ forcedData ty = Type.freeVars ty

-- | Apply the context to the input type, then convert any unsolved existentials
-- to universals.
generalizeExistentials :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Element v loc] -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
generalizeExistentials ctx ty0 = generalizeP pred ctx ty
generalizeExistentials :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Element v loc] -> Map v (Monotype v loc) -> Type v loc -> Type v loc
generalizeExistentials ctx solved ty0 = generalizeP pred ctx solved ty
gens = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (fmap snd . existentialP) ctx

ty = discardCovariant gens $ applyCtx ctx ty0
ty = discardCovariant gens $ applyCtx solved ty0
fvs = Type.freeVars ty

pred e
Expand All @@ -2086,9 +2095,10 @@ generalizeP ::
(Ord loc) =>
(Element v loc -> Maybe (TypeVar v loc, v)) ->
[Element v loc] ->
Map v (Monotype v loc) ->
Type v loc ->
Type v loc
generalizeP p ctx0 ty = foldr gen (applyCtx ctx0 ty) ctx
generalizeP p ctx0 solved ty = foldr gen (applyCtx solved ty) ctx
ctx = mapMaybe p ctx0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2127,12 +2137,12 @@ checkScoped ::
M v loc (Type v loc, Wanted v loc)
checkScoped e (Type.Forall' body) = do
v <- ABT.freshen body freshenTypeVar
((ty, want), pop) <- markThenRetract v $ do
((ty, want), pop, popSolved) <- markThenRetract v $ do
x <- extendUniversal v
let e' = Term.substTypeVar (ABT.variable body) (universal' () x) e
checkScoped e' (ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (universal' () x))
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want pop
pure (generalizeP variableP pop ty, want)
want <- substAndDefaultWanted want pop popSolved
pure (generalizeP variableP pop popSolved ty, want)
checkScoped e t = do
t <- existentializeArrows t
(t,) <$> check e t
Expand All @@ -2154,8 +2164,9 @@ markThenRetractWanted ::
v ->
M v loc (Wanted v loc) ->
M v loc (Wanted v loc)
markThenRetractWanted v m =
markThenRetract v m >>= uncurry substAndDefaultWanted
markThenRetractWanted v m = do
(a, es, solved) <- markThenRetract v m
substAndDefaultWanted a es solved

-- This function handles merging two sets of wanted abilities, along
-- with some pruning of the set. This means that coalescing a list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2261,9 +2272,10 @@ substAndDefaultWanted ::
(Ord loc) =>
Wanted v loc ->
[Element v loc] ->
Map v (Monotype v loc) ->
M v loc (Wanted v loc)
substAndDefaultWanted want ctx
| want <- (fmap . fmap) (applyCtx ctx) want,
substAndDefaultWanted want ctx solved
| want <- (fmap . fmap) (applyCtx solved) want,
want <- filter q want,
repush <- filter keep ctx =
appendContext repush *> coalesceWanted want []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3292,14 +3304,14 @@ synthesizeClosed' abilities term = do
-- save current context, for restoration when done
ctx0 <- getContext
setContext context0
(t, ctx) <- markThenRetract (Var.named "start") $ do
(t, ctx, solved) <- markThenRetract (Var.named "start") $ do
-- retract will cause notes to be written out for
-- any `Blank`-tagged existentials passing out of scope
(t, want) <- synthesize term
scope (InSynthesize term) $
t <$ subAbilities want abilities
setContext ctx0 -- restore the initial context
pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx t
pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx solved t

-- Check if the given typechecking action succeeds.
succeeds :: M v loc a -> TotalM v loc Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3380,7 +3392,7 @@ instance (Var v) => Show (Element v loc) where
show (Marker v) = "|" ++ Text.unpack ( v) ++ "|"

instance (Ord loc, Var v) => Show (Context v loc) where
show ctx@(Context es) = "Γ\n " ++ (intercalate "\n " . map (showElem ctx . fst)) (reverse es)
show ctx@(Context es _) = "Γ\n " ++ (intercalate "\n " . map (showElem ctx . fst)) (reverse es)
showElem _ctx (Var v) = case v of
TypeVar.Universal x -> "@" <> show x
Expand Down

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