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typio committed Feb 9, 2024
0 parents commit 98bdd15
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Showing 9 changed files with 501 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# ぞんざい

1. markedly rough or careless in manner

***Noun (1)***
1. person whose words and actions are violent
2. state of being rude

***Noun (2)***
1. bonsai tree generator
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
const std = @import("std");

// Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to
// declaratively construct a build graph that will be executed by an external
// runner.
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{ .cpu_arch = .wasm32, .os_tag = .freestanding });

// Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not
// set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize.
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "zonzai",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.rdynamic = true;
exe.entry = .disabled;
exe.use_llvm = false;
exe.use_lld = false;

const install = b.addInstallArtifact(exe, .{});

// const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
// .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
// .target = target,
// .optimize = optimize,
// });

// const run_lib_unit_tests = b.addRunArtifact(lib_unit_tests);

// // Similar to creating the run step earlier, this exposes a `test` step to
// // the `zig build --help` menu, providing a way for the user to request
// // running the unit tests.
// const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
// test_step.dependOn(&run_lib_unit_tests.step);
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions build.zig.zon
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
.name = "zonzai",
// This is a [Semantic Version](
// In a future version of Zig it will be used for package deduplication.
.version = "0.1.0",

// This field is optional.
// This is currently advisory only; Zig does not yet do anything
// with this value.
//.minimum_zig_version = "0.11.0",

// This field is optional.
// Each dependency must either provide a `url` and `hash`, or a `path`.
// `zig build --fetch` can be used to fetch all dependencies of a package, recursively.
// Once all dependencies are fetched, `zig build` no longer requires
// internet connectivity.
.dependencies = .{
// See `zig fetch --save <url>` for a command-line interface for adding dependencies.
//.example = .{
// // When updating this field to a new URL, be sure to delete the corresponding
// // `hash`, otherwise you are communicating that you expect to find the old hash at
// // the new URL.
// .url = "",
// // This is computed from the file contents of the directory of files that is
// // obtained after fetching `url` and applying the inclusion rules given by
// // `paths`.
// //
// // This field is the source of truth; packages do not come from a `url`; they
// // come from a `hash`. `url` is just one of many possible mirrors for how to
// // obtain a package matching this `hash`.
// //
// // Uses the [multihash]( format.
// .hash = "...",
// // When this is provided, the package is found in a directory relative to the
// // build root. In this case the package's hash is irrelevant and therefore not
// // computed. This field and `url` are mutually exclusive.
// .path = "foo",

// Specifies the set of files and directories that are included in this package.
// Only files and directories listed here are included in the `hash` that
// is computed for this package.
// Paths are relative to the build root. Use the empty string (`""`) to refer to
// the build root itself.
// A directory listed here means that all files within, recursively, are included.
.paths = .{
// This makes *all* files, recursively, included in this package. It is generally
// better to explicitly list the files and directories instead, to insure that
// fetching from tarballs, file system paths, and version control all result
// in the same contents hash.
// For example...
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/main.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
const std = @import("std");

const Vec3 = struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32};
const Color = struct { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8 };

const Branch = struct {
parent: ?*Branch,
length: f32,
max_length: f32,
diameter: f32,
direction: Vec3,
growth_rate: f32,
children: std.ArrayList(*Branch),
leaves: std.ArrayList(Leaf),

const Leaf = struct {
size: f32,
position: f32,
color: Color,

var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();

var trunk: Branch = Branch{
.parent = null,
.length = 0.1,
.max_length = 150,
.diameter = 0.1,
.direction = Vec3{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 1 },
.growth_rate = 1,
.children = std.ArrayList(*Branch).init(allocator),
.leaves = std.ArrayList(Leaf).init(allocator)

const MAX_WIDTH = 4096;
const MAX_HEIGHT = 4096;


var width: u32 = 0;
var height: u32 = 0;

var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(0);
var random = prng.random();
var rand_seed: u64 = 0;

var hour: u32 = 0;

extern fn debug_print(message: [*]const u8, length: u8) void;

export fn set_rand_seed(s: u64) void {
prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(s);
random = prng.random();

export fn set_window_dimensions(w: u8, h: u8) void {
width = w;
height = h;

export fn get_output_buffer_pointer() *[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]u8 {

var last_pixels_set = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);

fn draw_pixel(x: u32, y: u32, c: Color) void {
if (y < height and x < width) {
const pixel: u32 = (height - y - 1) * width + x;
const pixel_offset: u32 = pixel * 4;

last_pixels_set.append(pixel_offset) catch return;

OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset] = c.r;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 1] = c.g;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 2] = c.b;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 3] = c.a;

fn draw_line(x0: i32, y0: i32, x1: i32, y1: i32) void {
var x = x0;
var y = y0;
const dx: i32 = @intCast(@abs(x1 - x0));
const dy: i32 = -@as(i32, @intCast(@abs(y1 - y0)));
const sx: i32 = if (x0 < x1) 1 else -1;
const sy: i32 = if (y0 < y1) 1 else -1;
var err = dx + dy;

while (true) {
if (x >= 0 and y >= 0) {
draw_pixel(@intCast(x), @intCast(y), Color{ .r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255, .a = 255 });
if (x == x1 and y == y1) break;
const e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 >= dy) { err += dy; x += sx; }
if (e2 <= dx) { err += dx; y += sy; }

fn draw_horizontal_line(x1: i32, x2: i32, y: i32, color: Color) void {
var x = x1;
while (x <= x2) : (x += 1) {
if (x >= 0 and y >= 0) {
draw_pixel(@intCast(x), @intCast(y), color);

fn draw_circle(xc: i32, yc: i32, r: f32, color: Color) void {
var x: i32 = 0;
var y: i32 = @intFromFloat(r);
var d: f32 = 3 - 2 * r;

draw_horizontal_line(xc - y, xc + y, yc, color);

while (y >= x) {
x += 1;

if (d > 0) {
y -= 1;
d = d + 4 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(x - y)) + 10;
} else {
d = d + 4 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(x)) + 6;

draw_horizontal_line(xc - x, xc + x, yc + y, color);
draw_horizontal_line(xc - x, xc + x, yc - y, color);
draw_horizontal_line(xc - y, xc + y, yc + x, color);
draw_horizontal_line(xc - y, xc + y, yc - x, color);

fn render_branch(branch: *Branch, baseX: f32, baseZ: f32) void {
const endX = baseX + branch.length * branch.direction.x;
const endZ = baseZ + branch.length * branch.direction.z;

draw_line(@intFromFloat(baseX), @intFromFloat(baseZ), @intFromFloat(endX), @intFromFloat(endZ));

for (branch.children.items) |child| {
render_branch(child, endX, endZ);

for (branch.leaves.items) |leaf| {
@intFromFloat(baseX + branch.length * branch.direction.x * leaf.position),
@intFromFloat(baseZ + branch.length * branch.direction.z * leaf.position),

fn render_tree() void {
for (last_pixels_set.items) |pixel_offset| {
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset] = 0;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 1] = 0;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 2] = 0;
OUTPUT_BUFFER[pixel_offset + 3] = 0;


const baseX: f32 = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(width)) / 2.0;
const baseY: f32 = 0.0;

render_branch(&trunk, baseX, baseY);

fn destroy_branch(branch: *Branch) void {
while (branch.children.items.len > 0) {
const child = branch.children.pop();

while (branch.leaves.items.len > 0) {
_ = branch.leaves.pop();


fn grow_branch(branch: *Branch, depth: u8, grew_new_branch: *bool) void {
if (std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) < 0.001 and branch.parent != null and branch.children.items.len > 0) {
const child = branch.children.pop();

if (branch.length < branch.max_length) {
branch.length += branch.growth_rate;

const day_of_year = (hour / 24) % 365;
if (day_of_year > 60 and day_of_year < 260) {
if (branch.leaves.items.len <= 1 and std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) < 0.005 and branch.parent != null) {
const new_leaf = Leaf {
.position = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32),
.color = Color{ .r = 255, .g = 183 + @as(u8, @intFromFloat(std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) * 20)), .b = 197 + @as(u8, @intFromFloat(std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) * 20)), .a = 255 },
.size = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) * 10,

branch.leaves.append(new_leaf) catch return;
} else {
if (branch.leaves.items.len > 0 and std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) < 0.05) {
_ = branch.leaves.pop();

if (!grew_new_branch.* and depth <= 3 and branch.children.items.len <= 3 and std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) < 0.05) {
grew_new_branch.* = true;
const new_branch_ptr = allocator.create(Branch) catch return;

const r0 = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32);
const r1 = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32);

new_branch_ptr.* = Branch{
.parent = &trunk,
.length = 0.1,
.max_length = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32) * 200,
.diameter = 0.1,
.direction = Vec3{ .x = r0 * 2.0 - 1.0, .y = 0, .z = r1 * 1.5 - 0.5 },
.growth_rate = std.rand.Random.float(random, f32),
.children = std.ArrayList(*Branch).init(allocator),
.leaves = std.ArrayList(Leaf).init(allocator),

branch.children.append(new_branch_ptr) catch return;

for (branch.children.items) |child| {
grow_branch(child, depth + 1, grew_new_branch);

export fn grow_tree() void {
var grew_new_branch = false;
// const random_number = std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "random number: {any}", .{f}) catch "failed to create string";
// debug_print(@ptrCast(random_number), @intCast(random_number.len));

grow_branch(&trunk, 0, &grew_new_branch);
hour += 1;


pub const os = struct {
pub const system = struct {
pub const fd_t = u8;
pub const STDERR_FILENO = 1;
pub const E = std.os.linux.E;

pub fn getErrno(T: u32) E {
_ = T;
return .SUCCESS;

pub fn write(f: fd_t, ptr: [*]const u8, len: u32) u32 {
_ = ptr;
_ = f;
return len;
Binary file added web/bin/zonzai.wasm
Binary file not shown.

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