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anmonteiro committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent 9450322 commit 92ab713
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Showing 8 changed files with 188 additions and 192 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions jose/Jose.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ module Jwk : sig
symetric key. *)

(** {1 Utils }
Utils to get different data from a JWK *)

val get_kid : 'a t -> string option
Expand All @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ module Jwk : sig
(** [get_alg jwk] is a convencience function to get the algorithm *)

val get_thumbprint :
Mirage_crypto.Hash.hash -> 'a t -> (Cstruct.t, [> `Unsafe ]) result
Digestif.hash' -> 'a t -> (string, [> `Unsafe ]) result
(** [get_thumbprint hash jwk] calculates the thumbprint of [jwk] with [hash],
following {{: } RFC 7638 }.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ module Header : sig
extra : (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list;
(** The [header] has the following properties:
- [alg] {! Jwa.alg }
- [jwk] JSON Web Key
- [kid] Key ID - We currently always expect this to be there, this can change in the future
- [x5t] X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint -
- [x5t#S256] X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint
- [typ] Type
- [cty] Content Type Not implemented
{{: } Link to RFC }
{{: } Complete list of registered header parameters} *)
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110 changes: 46 additions & 64 deletions jose/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type t = {
aad : string option;

module RSA_OAEP = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.OAEP (Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA1)
module RSA_OAEP = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.OAEP (Digestif.SHA1)

Steps to create a JWE
Expand All @@ -31,17 +31,15 @@ let make_cek (header : Header.t) =
| Some enc ->
let key_length = Jwa.enc_to_length enc in
Mirage_crypto_rng.generate (key_length / 8)
|> Cstruct.to_string |> Result.ok
|> Result.ok
| None -> Error `Missing_enc

let make_iv (header : Header.t) =
match header.alg with
| `RSA_OAEP ->
Mirage_crypto_rng.generate Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.GCM.block_size
|> Cstruct.to_string |> Result.ok
Ok (Mirage_crypto_rng.generate Mirage_crypto.AES.GCM.block_size)
| `RSA1_5 ->
Mirage_crypto_rng.generate Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.block_size
|> Cstruct.to_string |> Result.ok
Ok (Mirage_crypto_rng.generate Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.block_size)
| _ -> Error `Unsupported_alg

let make ~header payload =
Expand All @@ -53,47 +51,46 @@ let make ~header payload =
Ok { header; cek; iv; aad; payload }))

let encrypt_payload ?enc ~cek ~iv ~aad payload =
let iv = Cstruct.of_string iv in
match enc with
| Some `A128CBC_HS256 ->
(* RFC 7516 appendix B.1: first 128 bit hmac, last 128 bit aes *)
let hmac_key, aes_key =
split (of_string cek) Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.block_size)
U_String.split cek Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.block_size
let key = Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.of_secret aes_key in
let key = Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.of_secret aes_key in
(* B.2 encryption in CBC mode *)
Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.encrypt ~key ~iv
Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.encrypt ~key ~iv
(Cstruct.of_string payload)
|> fun data ->
(* B.5 input to HMAC computation *)
let hmac_input =
(* B.3 64 bit big-endian AAD length (in bits!) *)
let aal = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 aal 0 Int64.(mul 8L (of_int (String.length aad)));
Cstruct.(concat [ of_string aad; iv; data; aal ])
let aal = Bytes.create 8 in
Bytes.set_int64_be aal 0 Int64.(mul 8L (of_int (String.length aad)));
String.concat "" [ aad; iv; data; Bytes.unsafe_to_string aal ]
let computed_auth_tag =
let full = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.hmac ~key:hmac_key hmac_input in
let full =
Digestif.SHA256.hmac_string ~key:hmac_key hmac_input
|> Digestif.SHA256.to_raw_string
(* B.7 truncate to 128 bit *)
Cstruct.sub full 0 16 |> Cstruct.to_string
String.sub full 0 16
Ok (Cstruct.to_string data, computed_auth_tag)
Ok (data, computed_auth_tag)
| Some `A256GCM ->
let module GCM = Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.GCM in
let cek = Cstruct.of_string cek in
let module GCM = Mirage_crypto.AES.GCM in
let key = GCM.of_secret cek in
let adata = Cstruct.of_string aad in
GCM.authenticate_encrypt ~key ~nonce:iv ~adata (Cstruct.of_string payload)
let adata = aad in
GCM.authenticate_encrypt ~key ~nonce:iv ~adata payload
|> fun cdata ->
let cipher, tag_data =
Cstruct.split cdata (Cstruct.length cdata - GCM.tag_size)
U_String.split cdata (String.length cdata - GCM.tag_size)
let ciphertext = Cstruct.to_string cipher in
let tag_string = Cstruct.to_string tag_data in
Ok (ciphertext, tag_string)
Ok (cipher, tag_data)
| None -> Error `Missing_enc
| _ -> Error `Unsupported_enc

Expand All @@ -114,16 +111,11 @@ let encrypt_cek (type a) alg (cek : string) ~(jwk : a Jwk.t) =
Result.bind key (fun key ->
match alg with
| `RSA1_5 ->
let ecek =
cek |> Cstruct.of_string
|> Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.PKCS1.encrypt ~key
|> Cstruct.to_string
Ok ecek
let ecek = Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.PKCS1.encrypt ~key cek in
Ok ecek
| `RSA_OAEP ->
let cek = Cstruct.of_string cek in
let jek = RSA_OAEP.encrypt ~key cek |> Cstruct.to_string in
Ok jek
let jek = RSA_OAEP.encrypt ~key cek in
Ok jek
| _ -> Error `Invalid_alg)

let encrypt (type a) ~(jwk : a Jwk.t) t =
Expand All @@ -150,71 +142,61 @@ let encrypt (type a) ~(jwk : a Jwk.t) t =

let decrypt_cek alg str ~(jwk : Jwk.priv Jwk.t) =
let of_opt_cstruct = function
| Some c -> Ok (Cstruct.to_string c)
| Some c -> Ok c
| None -> Error `Decrypt_cek_failed
match (alg, jwk) with
| `RSA1_5, Jwk.Rsa_priv rsa ->
let decoded = Utils.U_Base64.url_decode str
|> (fun decoded ->
Cstruct.of_string decoded
|> Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.PKCS1.decrypt ~key:rsa.key)
|> (Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.PKCS1.decrypt ~key:rsa.key)
Result.bind decoded of_opt_cstruct
| `RSA_OAEP, Jwk.Rsa_priv rsa ->
let decoded =
Utils.U_Base64.url_decode str
|> (fun decoded ->
Cstruct.of_string decoded
|> RSA_OAEP.decrypt ~key:rsa.key)
|> (RSA_OAEP.decrypt ~key:rsa.key)
Result.bind decoded of_opt_cstruct
| _ -> Error `Invalid_JWK

(* Move to Jwa? *)
let decrypt_ciphertext enc ~cek ~iv ~auth_tag ~aad ciphertext =
let iv = Cstruct.of_string iv in
let encrypted = U_Base64.url_decode ciphertext in
Result.bind encrypted (fun encrypted ->
let encrypted = Cstruct.of_string encrypted in
match enc with
| Some `A128CBC_HS256 ->
(* RFC 7516 appendix B.1: first 128 bit hmac, last 128 bit aes *)
let hmac_key, aes_key = Cstruct.(split (of_string cek) 16) in
let key = Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.of_secret aes_key in
let hmac_key, aes_key = U_String.split cek 16 in
let key = Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.of_secret aes_key in

(* B.5 input to HMAC computation *)
let hmac_input =
(* B.3 64 bit big-endian AAD length (in bits!) *)
let aal = Cstruct.create 8 in
Cstruct.BE.set_uint64 aal 0 Int64.(mul 8L (of_int (String.length aad)));
Cstruct.(concat [ of_string aad; iv; encrypted; aal ])
let aal = Bytes.create 8 in
Bytes.set_int64_be aal 0 Int64.(mul 8L (of_int (String.length aad)));
String.concat "" [ aad; iv; encrypted; Bytes.unsafe_to_string aal ]
let computed_auth_tag =
let full = Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.hmac ~key:hmac_key hmac_input in
let full = Digestif.SHA256.hmac_string ~key:hmac_key hmac_input in
(* B.7 truncate to 128 bit *)
Cstruct.sub full 0 16 |> Cstruct.to_string
String.sub (Digestif.SHA256.to_raw_string full) 0 16
if not (String.equal computed_auth_tag auth_tag) then
Error (`Msg "invalid auth tag")
(* B.2 encryption in CBC mode *)
let data =
Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.CBC.decrypt ~key ~iv encrypted
|> Pkcs7.unpad
Result.bind data (fun data -> Ok (Cstruct.to_string data))
Mirage_crypto.AES.CBC.decrypt ~key ~iv encrypted
|> Pkcs7.unpad
| Some `A256GCM ->
let module GCM = Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.GCM in
let cek = Cstruct.of_string cek in
let module GCM = Mirage_crypto.AES.GCM in
let key = GCM.of_secret cek in
let adata = Cstruct.of_string aad in
let encrypted = Cstruct.append encrypted (Cstruct.of_string auth_tag) in
Mirage_crypto.Cipher_block.AES.GCM.authenticate_decrypt ~key ~nonce:iv
let adata = aad in
let encrypted = encrypted ^ auth_tag in
Mirage_crypto.AES.GCM.authenticate_decrypt ~key ~nonce:iv
~adata encrypted
|> fun message ->
|> (fun x -> Ok (Cstruct.to_string x))
|> (fun x -> Ok x)
|> Option.value ~default:(Error (`Msg "invalid auth tag"))
| _ -> Error (`Msg "unsupported encryption"))

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