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Jagiellonian University, HPC Team

Popular repositories Loading

  1. flops flops Public

    Forked from nanoant/flops

    FLOPs counter for x86 SSE and AVX based on awesome code of Mystical:

    C++ 1

  2. mic-test mic-test Public

    MIC tests based on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor High-Performance Programming book

    C++ 1 3

  3. cmdline cmdline Public

    Forked from tanakh/cmdline

    A Command Line Parser


  4. Catch Catch Public

    Forked from catchorg/Catch2

    C++ AutomatedTest Cases in Headers


  5. phi4 phi4 Public

    CPU SIMD Optimized Monte Carlo Simulation of ɸ⁴ Model


  6. phi4_cuda phi4_cuda Public

    GPU & CUDA Optimized Monte Carlo Simulation of ɸ⁴ Model


Showing 10 of 18 repositories