通过 redis 队列实现分布式 rsync
以2的指数形态并发 rsync 同步文件
C/S 结构
task = 'task' 要同步文件的绝对路径
lookup = 'lookup' 发现任务 lookup +1
synchronize_queue = 'synchronize_queue' set类型,同步完成的机器会把ip存入供其他rsync使用
finished_queue = 'finished_queue' 同上,记录完成任务的机器ip
running_queue = 'running_queue' set类型,正在执行任务的机器ip
- pip install redis
- 所有要同步的机器上配置 rsync daemon
uid = linkedme
gid = linkedme
path = /data1/repo
read only = no
auth users = sre
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
- master 和 minion 脚本以 cron 方式运行
- minion
*/2 * * * * /root/.env/bin/python /data1/scripts/sync_file_minion.py >> /var/log/sync_file_minion.log
- master
*/2 * * * * /root/.env/bin/python /data1/scripts/sync_file_master.py >> /var/log/sync_file_master.log 2>&1
同步一个1.7G 的文件到195台机器
手动触发一个任务[10]> set task /data1/rsync_data/ctr_model/model.20181220011501
- master
20-Dec-18 17:16:01 - no task, exit
20-Dec-18 17:18:01 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:18:01 - no task, exit
20-Dec-18 17:20:01 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:20:01 - file_name: /data1/rsync_data/ctr_model/model.20181220011501, finished_minion_count: 0
20-Dec-18 17:20:01 - found new task, start rsync and set redis queue
20-Dec-18 17:20:01 - rsync complete:
sending incremental file list
sent 86 bytes received 12 bytes 196.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,747,109,690 speedup is 17,827,649.90
start rsync to minion: /data1/rsync_data/ctr_model/model.20181220011501
20-Dec-18 17:22:01 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:22:01 - file_name: /data1/rsync_data/ctr_model/model.20181220011501, finished_minion_count: 194
20-Dec-18 17:22:01 - nothing to do
20-Dec-18 17:24:02 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:24:02 - file_name: /data1/rsync_data/ctr_model/model.20181220011501, finished_minion_count: 195
20-Dec-18 17:24:02 - mission complete, clean task and queue
20-Dec-18 17:26:01 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:26:01 - no task, exit
20-Dec-18 17:28:01 - try to find a task
20-Dec-18 17:28:01 - no task, exit
20-Dec-18 17:30:01 - try to find a task
耗时 4分钟
- minion
20-Dec-18 17:21:10 - try to get a avaiable rsync source
20-Dec-18 17:21:10 - try to get a avaiable rsync source
20-Dec-18 17:21:19 - try to get a avaiable rsync source
20-Dec-18 17:21:19 - add lock to running_queue
20-Dec-18 17:21:19 - start rsync from
20-Dec-18 17:21:19 - START rsync:
20-Dec-18 17:21:31 - rsync complete:
receiving incremental file list
sent 46 bytes received 1,747,536,349 bytes 139,802,911.60 bytes/sec
total size is 1,747,109,690 speedup is 1.00
20-Dec-18 17:21:31 - END rsync:
每秒 139M
之前使用 salt 同步, 每秒只有6M, 同步完195台机器需要 N 个小时, 因为我们只有一个 rsync 源, 并发也不能开太高.