Table of Contents
Vist the Tracker Site
npm install npm@latest -g
This project uses CircleCI for Continuous Integration (CI). To set up CircleCI for this repository:
Sign Up for CircleCI:
- Visit CircleCI
- Click "Log in"
- Click "Log in" button on the authorize page
- Click the text that says, "Signed up for CircleCI with GitHub or Bitbucket before September 2023?"
- Log in with GitHub
Authorize CircleCI:
- Allow CircleCI to access this repository.
Add the Configuration File:
Ensure the
file is present in the repository. -
The current configuration uses Cypress for testing:
version: 2.1 orbs: cypress: cypress-io/[email protected] workflows: build: jobs: - cypress/run: cypress-command: npx cypress run --headless start-command: npm start
Verify the CI Pipeline:
- Push your changes to the
branch. - Navigate to the CircleCI dashboard to confirm that tests run successfully.
- Push your changes to the
For more information, see the CircleCI Documentation.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Change git remote url to avoid accidental pushes to base project
git remote set-url origin github_username/repo_name git remote -v # confirm the changes
Helvetica Neue Sans-Serif
Example: className="text-[5vw] font-[Helvetica Neue]"
<div className="w-[50vw] mx-auto my-[2vh] p-[3vh] ">
<div bg-cyan-600 text-white px-[2vw] py-[1vh] rounded w-[10vw] hover:bg-cyan-700 focus:ring-cyan-500 focus:ring-2>
Cyan-800 for right half and login button
Sky-200 for Login Page Title
<label htmlFor="email" className="block text-gray-700 font-medium mb-[1vh]"> Email </label> <input className="w-full px-[1vh] py-[1vh] border border-gray-300 rounded-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-cyan-500" name="email"/>
Users must register their account to utilize this application.
The User Registration section allows new users to create an account by filling out all necessary fields with the requried information. Empty fields or invalid information throws specific errors instructing users to correct their mistake in order to proceed.
Existing users may click the 'login' link to directly navigate to the Login page.
The MenuBar component provides a responsive navigation interface for your application, designed for both desktop and mobile users. Here’s an overview of its functionality:
- Fixed Vertical Menu: A static vertical navigation bar located on the left side of the screen, hidden on smaller screens.
- Logo: Clicking the logo redirects users to the home page.
- Navigation Links: Includes icons for navigating to key sections:
- Home
- Contacts
- Companies
- Job Applications
- Account
- Drop-Down Shortcut Menu: Provides quick access to add new items:
- Add New Contact
- Add New Company
- Add New Job Application
- Hamburger Menu: A collapsible menu for smaller screens.
- Slide-Out Menu: A sidebar that slides in from the left when opened.
- Close Button: Closes the slide-out menu.
- Navigation Links: Similar to the desktop navigation, but tailored for mobile interaction.
- Drop-Down Shortcut Menu: A simplified version of the desktop drop-down, allowing quick actions for adding new contacts, companies, or job applications.
- Quad Color Bar: A decorative vertical bar split into four colors, enhancing the visual design.
The home page/dash is where a user can see there weekly report.
Functionalities Include:
- User can see the job applications, contacts, and companies they have made for the week.
- as well as having a simple button to port you to add a new company
The Companies section allows users to seamlessly manage a list of their companies.
Key Functionalities Include:
- View All Companies: Browse a comprehensive list of companies with detailed information such as company name, application status, and notes.
- View Company Details: Click on a company to see detailed information on a dedicated page, including the company’s name, website, address, and notes. The details page also displays a list of associated contacts, making it easier to manage relationships and connections.
- Create a Company: Add new companies by filling out a simple form with fields like name, website, address, and notes.
- Update a Company: Click the Edit button on a company's details page to open a modal. Modify any field, including the company name, website, address, state, or notes, and save the changes effortlessly.
- Search for a Company: Use the search bar to quickly find companies by name, enhancing efficiency and user experience.
- Delete a Company: Click on the delete button in the company details page to remove a company. A confirmation modal will appear to verify the decision before proceeding. Deleting a company does not remove its associated contacts.
The Contacts section allows users to navigate their contacts.
Key Functionalities Include:
- View All Contacts: Browse a comprehensive list of contacts with info like their name, company, and notes. Includes a search bar and ability to create a new contact.
- View a Contact: Click on a contact to see detail info on a dedicated page, such as their name, company, email address, phone number, notes and any other contacts associated with the company. Click on the other contacts to view their contact page. Click the contact's email address to open their mail client with an email to the contact. Click on the company name to view company name details.
- Edit a Contact: Click edit in show contact page to open a modal that will enable a contact to be edited. First name and last name are required fields and the rest are optional. To exit the modal without saving changes, click the x in the corner or outside of the modal to close it. To save changes, click the save button. The modal will automatically close and the changes will be immediately viewable on your contact page.
- Delete a Contact: Click delete in show contact page to remove a contact, with a modal to verify the decision.
- Add a new Contact Click on the Add New + button to navigate to a form where a user inputs a new contact and their associated information. The user has the ability to add a new company here as well.
- Search for a Contact Use the search bar to quickly find a contact by name, enhancing efficiency and user experience.
View All Job Applications:
View A Job Application:
Delete a Job Application: Click delete in the show job application page to remove a job application, with a modal to verify the decision. After the job application is successfully deleted you will be returned to the main job application page.
Create A Job Application:
Add a new job application by filling out a form with fields for Position Title, Company, Date Applied, Application Status, Job Description, User Contacts, Application URL, and Notes. Choose a company that exists under your profile.
- Edit A Job Application: Edit several of the fields of an application that has already been input into the system to stay up to date on where in the process the application is at.
- Edit an Application Date or Status: Job application dates and statuses can also be edited directly on the job application page. Dates can be changed by clicking on the "Applied On" date to pull up an interactive calendar, and clicking on a new date. Statuses can be changed by clicking on the current status and selecting a new status from the dropdown.
Banks, Charles
Bloom, Stefan
Cardona, Danielle
Chirchirillo, Joe
Cirbo, Candice
Cochran, James
Croy, Lito
Delaney, Kyle
De La Rosa, Melchor
Fallenius, Karl Frederick
Galvin, Shane
Hill, John
Hotaling, Marshall
Lynch, Devlin
Macur, Jim
Manning, Terra
Messersmith, Renee
O'Brien, Michael
O'Leary, Ryan
Pintozzi, Erin - (Project Manager)
Riley, Alora
Salazar, Kaelin
Verrill, Seth
Wallace, Wally
Willett, Bryan
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.