Quickly set up a new MacBook with everything you need to develop in the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem.
- One script to install and configure your development environment.
- Modular installs: choose what you need and skip what you don’t.
- Pre-configured zsh for enhanced productivity.
- Installs Homebrew, the macOS package manager.
- Installs Git and sets up an SSH key for GitHub.
- Installs Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
- Installs Node.js (via Volta), Deno, and Bun.
- Installs pnpm, the fast JavaScript package manager.
- Installs and configures WezTerm, a modern terminal emulator.
- Configures zsh with plugins for autosuggestions, syntax highlighting, and more.
- Lets you choose between installing Zen Browser or Arc Browser.
Most of the config comes from these two videos: First Video Second Video
alias g='git' # Shortcut to replace 'git' with 'g'
alias gs='git status' # Check current branch status
alias ga='git add' # Stage specific files
alias gaa='git add --all' # Stage all changes (tracked and untracked)
alias gc='git commit' # Commit staged changes
alias gap='git add --patch' # Interactive staging of changes (hunks)
alias gp='git push' # Push commits to the remote
alias gl='git log' # Show commit history
alias gb='git branch' # List or manage branches
alias gco='git checkout' # Switch branches or restore files
alias gcon='git checkout -b' # Checkout and create a new branch
alias gcm='git commit -m' # Commit with a message inline
alias gundo='git reset --soft HEAD~1' # Undo the last commit (soft reset)
- Either
git clone
or just download as a zip. - Run
chmod +x setup.sh
- Run
sh setup.sh
Future Enhancements (optional section)
- Add support for other development ecosystems (Python, Go, etc.).
- Integration with Docker or Kubernetes for containerized setups.
- Optional database installation (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.).