description |
Authorize transactions by including a Fractal proof in their payload. |
Credentials API enable you to verify the credentials associated with a wallet address in your smart contract (on-chain) or in your dApp. With Credentials API, your dApp makes a call to the API with a wallet address.
The API replies with a credential proof if it exists associated with that wallet address. Your dApp includes the proof with the transaction sent to your smart contract which can verify the credential by importing our CredentialVerifier.sol
contract to inherit its requiresCredential
modifier. To get more details and examples check our verifiers documentation.
Using the Credentials API, you can leverage our existing user base with a quick and easy solution to access the provably verifiable KYC/KYB status of the identity behind a wallet address and validate it on-chain.
{% hint style="success" %} For compliance purposes, you may be required to access the user data supporting the issued Credential. In order to do this, make sure to follow the directions in obtaining user's data in the Message format section. {% endhint %}
You can play around with a demo on Its full source code is available at
Environment | URL | Signing address |
Staging | | 0x2fCAb633adFA6aF8266025D63228047033c3ceD0 |
Production | | 0xacD08d6714ADba531beFF582e6FD5DA1AFD6bc65 |
You are required to create an application using our Developer Dashboard in order to use this API. See how here.
- Before a user interacts with your contract, ask them to sign a message authorizing Fractal to respond on their behalf.
- Send this message and signature to Fractal's API, which returns an expiry timestamp (24 hours in the future), a proof (Fractal's signature of the user's credential) and other relevant fields.
- Use this these fields and the proof as arguments to your contract's method.
// using web3.js and MetaMask
const message = `I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level plus+liveness
- I am not a citizen of the following countries: Germany (DE)
- I am not a resident of the following countries: Germany (DE)`;
const account = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
const signature = await ethereum.request({
method: "personal_sign",
params: [message, account]
const {
} = await FractalAPI.getProof(message, signature);
const mainContract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);
mainContract.methods.main(proof, validUntil, approvedAt, fractalId).send({ from: account });
Name | Type | Description |
message* | String | Message that authorizes sharing KYC/KYB data and defines credential requirements |
signature* | String | Signature of message using personal_sign |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="200: OK " %}
"approvedAt": 1654693829,
"address": "0xC61bA26E1C0F463Cd1BB57C962c6e7E411E79cb4",
"fractalId": "0x02f1da55bc94926ef44faa6153cc9ad4f1e0f5ec3844b7c12ef96dea88657fdd",
"validUntil": 1656080869,
"proof": "0x8951496d1d0091945647fb425310e66ea766254bf52899bdca6d8fd70cda2e26091ba3fefad64428b07d78caf1f1ed077b6ca1ee1e6682c6838ad73a3d95ace51c",
"credential": "level:plus+liveness;citizenship_not:de;residency_not:de"
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="400: Bad Request " %}
"error": <error_code>
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="404: Not Found No user with this wallet meets the KYC requirements" %}
"address": "0x123",
"error": "user_not_found"
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="404: Not Found A pending user with this wallet meets the KYC requirements" %}
"address": "0x123",
"error": "user_pending"
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
// using web3.js and MetaMask
async function main() {
const message = `I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level plus+liveness
- I am not a citizen of the following countries: Germany (DE)
- I am not a resident of the following countries: Canada (CA), Germany (DE), United States of America (US)`;
const account = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
const signature = await ethereum.request({
method: "personal_sign",
params: [message, account]
const encMessage = encodeURIComponent(message);
try {
const res = await fetch(`${encMessage}&signature=${signature}`);
const proof = await res.json();
// do something with proof
} catch (err) {
You can easily generate a valid message using the example code.
I authorize <application_name> (<client_id>) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed <verification_type> level <level>
[- I am not a citizen of the following countries: <citizenship_country_list>]
[- I am not a resident of the following countries: <residency_country_list>]
[I also allow access to my data that was used to pass this level.]
Parameter | |
<application_name> | Name of your Fractal ID application |
<verification_type> | KYB or KYC |
<client_id> | UID of your Fractal ID application |
<level> | Requested KYC/KYB level |
<citizenship_country_list> | Citizenship country blocklist |
<residency_country_list> | Residency country blocklist |
These can be found in the Developer Dashboard.
Choose or verification type — KYB
or KYC
Choose your required KYC/KYB level and addons. Please reach out to [email protected] if you don't know what to choose.
You must choose 1 level and any number of addons in the following format:
<level>[+<addon>]* (e.g., basic+liveness+sow)
You can define which countries should not be accepted for citizenship and/or residency. If a user matches your other requirements but is a citizen of or resides in one of the define countries, a credential will not be issued — it will result in a 404 response.
The format for each country list is the following:
<country_name> (<country_code>)[, <country_name> (<country_code>)]*
e.g., Germany (DE), United States of America (US)
The country code and name is checked against the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 list.
{% hint style="info" %} Both lists are optional. In case you don't want to restrict any citizenship/residency country, the full line should be removed. An empty list of countries is not accepted. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %}
level does not support any country restrictions;
level supports only citizenship country restrictions;
level supports both citizenship and residency country restrictions.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="warning" %} Note that, currently, country blocklists only apply to individuals. In case of KYB, these are applied to the individual person representing the company. {% endhint %}
For compliance purposes, you might want to be able to access the user data supporting the issued Credential. In order to do this, you should include the last string described in the Message format.
I also allow access to my data that was used to pass this level.
By including this string, you'll have access to the user's data in the Developer dashboard.
Example #1 — citizenship and residency restrictions, and access to user data
I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level plus+liveness
- I am not a citizen of the following countries: Germany (DE)
- I am not a resident of the following countries: Canada (CA), Germany (DE), United States of America (US)
I also allow access to my data that was used to pass this level.
Example #2 — citizenship and residency restrictions (no access to user data)
I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level plus+liveness
- I am not a citizen of the following countries: Germany (DE)
- I am not a resident of the following countries: Canada (CA), Germany (DE), United States of America (US)
Example #3 — citizenship restriction (no access to user data)
I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level basic
- I am not a citizen of the following countries: Germany (DE)
Example #4 — no country restrictions (no access to user data)
I authorize Defistarter (dc3aa1910acbb7ff4d22c07e43a6926adc3a81305a9355a304410048c9a91afd) to get a proof from Fractal that:
- I passed KYC level plus+liveness
You can easily generate a message by using this example code snippet and inputting your own values.
Example response
"approvedAt": 1654693829,
"address": "0xC61bA26E1C0F463Cd1BB57C962c6e7E411E79cb4",
"fractalId": "0x02f1da55bc94926ef44faa6153cc9ad4f1e0f5ec3844b7c12ef96dea88657fdd",
"validUntil": 1656080869,
"proof": "0x8951496d1d0091945647fb425310e66ea766254bf52899bdca6d8fd70cda2e26091ba3fefad64428b07d78caf1f1ed077b6ca1ee1e6682c6838ad73a3d95ace51c",
"credential": "level:plus+liveness;citizenship_not:de;residency_not:de"
Field | Type | Description |
approvedAt | UNIX timestamp | User approval timestamp |
address | EVM address | User address |
fractalId | Hex string | User unique identifier |
validUntil | UNIX timestamp | Credential expiry timestamp (24h after issuance) |
proof | Hex string | Signed proof of KYC/KYB |
credential | String | The expectedCredential this proof is for |
error: invalid_configuration
Why? You've tried to add country restrictions that are not supported by the level you chose.
Fix: Use only valid country restrictions — see Country blocklists.
error: invalid_client_id
Why? The application_uid
you have supplied is not in the system.
Fix: Check if there's a typo; or create an application if you have not done so.
error: invalid_country
Why? The country list(s) you supplied contain invalid country names or codes.
Fix: Please refer to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 list or use our example message generator.
error: invalid_level
Why? The level
you supplied is not valid.
Fix: Please refer to the KYC levels page.
error: invalid_message_schema
Why? The message
you supplied is not valid.
Fix: Please use our example message generator or make sure that the message that you created matches the format described above.
error: invalid_params
Why? The message
and/or signature
query parameter is missing.
Fix: Both parameters are required.
error: invalid_signature
Why? The signature
you supplied is invalid.
Fix: Please make sure to use personal_sign
when requesting the user to sign the message.
error: user_pending
Why? There is a user in our system that matches your KYC/KYB requirements and is identified by the wallet address that signed the message. However, their verification has not yet been approved.
Fix: Direct the user to Fractal ID — if they're waiting on Fractal to approve their verification, there's no further action; if they've been contacted by Fractal's Identity Specialists to update their data, they should do so in Fractal ID.
error: user_not_found
Why? There is no user in our system that matches your KYC/KYB requirements and is identified by the wallet address that signed the message.
Fix: Use your authorization link to direct the user to our KYC/KYB journey.
{% hint style="info" %}
If you supply a valid signature parameter
but the message does not match, the flow of personal_recover
may yield a random address. We include the recovered address in the response, so that you can check if it matches with the one that signed the message.
If it does not match, then there's a difference between the message you asked the user to sign and the one you sent to our endpoint. {% endhint %}
Please refer to this repo for an example on how to use the KYC/KYB proof in your smart contract.