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Simple Echo implementation of OpenTAXII Persistence API.

Echo Persistence API is fully stateless implementation of OpenTAXII Persistence API. The state of a TAXII server is defined by state parameters in a GET query. Default values are defined in a configuration file opentaxii-config.yml.

For example, Discovery request sent to:


will return Discovery response with 2 services advertised: Poll and Inbox.

Supported state parameters:

Parameter Value Defaults Example
services comma separated list of active services. Supported values are poll, inbox, collection_management, discovery discovery, collection_management, poll, inbox ?services=collection_management,discovery
discovery_advertised comma separated list of advertised services discovery, collection_management, poll, inbox ?discovery_advertised=poll,inbox,discovery
*_address service address; * replaced with a service /discovery/, /collection_management/, /poll/, /inbox/ ?inbox_address=/service/inbox
*_description service description; * replaced with a service   ?poll_description=TestDescription
collections comma separated list of the collection names alien-encounters, traces-of-evil-ninjas ?collections=collection-a,collection-b
*_supported_content comma separated list of supported content bindings for a collection; * replaced with a collection name   ?collection-a_supported_content=foo,bar
*_count blocks count for a collection; * replaced with a collection name 0 ?collection-a_count=100&bbb_count=1
use_cosive Use Cosive free STIX API to fill content blocks with STIX packages. true ?use_cosive=no
cosive_objects Specify what objets should Cosive API put in STIX. See for details.   ?cosive_objects=url,domain
cosive_count Specify how many objects put into STIX package. See for details.   ?cosive_count=1
content_blocks how many content block to return in Poll response. 2 ?conent_blocks=10
binding content binding of the content blocks to return ?

Using Cabby TAXII client, the requests can look like:

  • Discovery request:
$ taxii-discovery --path "http://localhost:9000/discovery/?services=poll,inbox,collection_management,discovery&discovery_advertised=inbox,poll&inbox_address=/some/inbox&poll_description=dummy-description"
  • Collection Management request:
$ taxii-collections --path "http://localhost:9000/collections/?services=poll,inbox,collection_management,discovery&discovery_advertised=inbox,poll&collection_management_address=/collections/&inbox_address=/some/inbox&poll_description=WHAT?&collections=aaa,bbb,ccc&aaa_supported_content=foo,bar&aaa_count=123&bbb_count=999"
  • Poll request:
$ taxii-poll --path "http://localhost:9000/poll/?services=poll,inbox,collection_management,discovery&discovery_advertised=inbox,poll&collection_management_address=/collections/&inbox_address=/some/inbox&poll_description=WHAT?&collections=aaa,bbb,ccc&aaa_supported_content=foo,bar&aaa_count=123&bbb_count=999&return_blocks=100" -c bbb

Running a server

To run a server, specify a configuration file opentaxii-config.yml as OPENTAXII_CONFIG variable:

OPENTAXII_CONFIG=./opentaxii-config.yml opentaxii-run-dev

Body of opentaxii-config.yml can be:

  class: opentaxii_echo.persistence.EchoPersistenceAPI

Using Docker

To run a docker container, you can use the default configuration and build the container locally:

And then run the container using:

or, if you want to use your own configuration, you need to create a file called: opentaxii.yml, and pass the directory in which it is stored as a volume (e.g. the ${PWD}/config directory):


Simple echo implementation of OpenTAXII Persistence API







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