A simple application aimed to help first time crypto investors gain more information before investing their money.
AS A first time potential crypto investor I WANT to compare crypto currency data to equities SO THAT I can make informed investment decisions
GIVEN a finanical dashboard with form inputs WHEN I search a crypto THEN it is added to my search history WHEN I open the page THEN my seach history loads WHEN I open the application THEN I can see a list of my recent searches WHEN I search a crypto name THEN I am presented with data for the crypto
MVP Requirements: -Use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap -Be deployed to GIthub Pages -Be interactive (accept and respond to user input) -Use at least two server-side APIs -NO ALERTS, CONFIRMS, or PROMPTS (use modals instead) -Use client-side storage and store persistnent data -Be responsive -Have polished UI -clean repository -quality readME