Simple webhook based bot delivering Reddit posts into your Discord Server
The bot does not require any permissions and can't do anything in your Discord. With that it's safe to use!
Table of Contents
Invite the bot here
To add a new subreddit run
/reddit add <subreddit-name> (new/hot/top/rising) (embed/text/link) (role) (proxy)
and click the returned link
select the server & channel in the discord popup & hit okay that's all!
To update a subreddit run
/reddit update <subreddit-name> (new/hot/top/rising) (embed/text/link) (role) (proxy)
To remove a subreddit subscriptions run
/reddit remove <subreddit-name>
and remove the bot under Server Settings > Integrations
or just delete the webhook under Channel Settings > Integrations > Webhooks
To list all subreddit subscriptions run
/reddit list (channel)
Reddit-Discord-Bot is now super easy to self-host. You can either use the docker image or build a binary yourself.
Before you can run the bot you need to create a config file. You can find an example here
You also need a discord bot token, which you can get from here.
Lastly you need to create a reddit app which can be done here.
The bot requires a database, which can either be SQLite
or PostgreSQL
. Just select the one you want to use in the config file.
- Go
- Git
- PostgreSQL (optional)
$ git clone [email protected]:topi314/Reddit-Discord-Bot.git
$ cd Reddit-Discord-Bot
$ go build -o reddit-discord-bot
You can now run the bot with
$ ./reddit-discord-bot -config config.yml
Docker-Compose is the easiest way to run the bot and is also the way I recommend.
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- PostgreSQL (optional)
Create a docker-compose.yml
file and paste the following into it
version: "3.8"
container_name: reddit-bot
restart: unless-stopped
- ./config.yml:/var/lib/reddit-discord-bot/config.yml
- ./database.db:/var/lib/reddit-discord-bot/database.db
Create a config.yml
file and paste this into it.
Fill in the required fields, and you are good to go!
Also create a database.db
file if you want to use SQLite.
You can now run the bot with
$ docker-compose up -d
To update the bot just run
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
To stop the bot run
$ docker-compose down
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue or reach out to me(toπ#3141
) via discord here
Reddit-Discord-Bot is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Contributions are always welcome! Just open a pull request or discussion and I will take a look at it.