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Restrictions of use

tomolimo edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 15 revisions

This section gives a non-exhaustive list of ProcessMaker features that are not managed by the plugin:

  • Auto-start of scheduled processes is not supported: can be managed via an email sent to GLPI that will create a ticket and a case, see Automatic start of process.

  • ProcessMaker Notifications are not managed: this is intended as the GLPI notifications are used (see Notifications). But one can imagine (under special circumstances) to send PM notifications

  • Input and Output documents are not managed: this is intended as the GLPI items should be used to permit easy access to any documents attached to GLPI items and such to cases.

  • One and only one start event can be implemented in a process. If you need to have several starting tasks, then use a unique starting task that will derive to the multiple tasks you need.

  • About task assignment rules: when using the following assignment rules: 'Self Service' and 'Self Service Value Based Assignment': as only one group can be assigned to a GLPI item task, then it is only possible to assign one group to a task in a process in ProcessMaker. As a consequence of this restriction, also: do not mix groups and users.

  • to be continued...