Name: Tommy Condon
Student Number: 20101841
Course: BSc Applied Computing (W2)
This is a React JS application using the TMDB API to fetch movies (upcoming, trending, recommended, similar etc) and display them on a user-friendly dashboard. It utilises several React Hooks, particularly useState, useEffect, useContext (to avoid prop-drilling) & useNavigate.
A third-party authentication service was integrated at a later stage to allow users the ability to sign in & create an account on the web app. This was done as extra functionality for the assignment.
- Third-Party Authentication (Login/Signup) using Clerk Auth
- Upcoming, Trending movie list pages (routes)
- Recommended Movies List (parameterised endpoint) for each movie
- Similar Movies List (parameterised endpoint) for each movie
- Sorting of movies by year (latest to oldest) for each static/parameterised endoint
- React Query caching for each static/parameterised url
- Animated Blob cursor
To run the app locally, do the following:
git clone
REACT_APP_TMDB_KEY: You will need to generate an API key from TMDB ( This will be the 'REACT_APP_TMDB_KEY' value.
REACT_APP_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY: This is your Clerk publishable key. Go to and signup for an account. Once you do that, go to dashboard -> configure -> API keys and use the 'publishable key' as the value in the .env file. From here, you can customise your login/signup portal whatever way you like.
Note: All environment variables should start with 'REACT_APP_' as this is a frontend react application.
cd movies
npm install
npm start
Now, type in http://localhost:3000/ or whatever port the terminal says to visit (usually 3000 or 3001) in your browser and enjoy!
- Discover list of movies = /discover/movie
- Movie details = /movie/:id
- Reviews = /movie/:id/reviews
- Trending = /trending/movie
- Upcoming = /movie/upcoming
- Recommended = /movie/:id/recommendations
- Recommended = /movie/:id/similar
Public routes:
- /sign-in: User sign in portal
- /sign-up: User sign up portal
Protected routes:
- /reviews/:id = Reviews for particular movie
- /movies/favourites = list of favourited movies
- /movies/:id = Movie page
- / = root (homepage)
- /movies/upcoming = Upcoming list of movies
- /movies/trending = trending movies
- /movies/:id/recommendations = recommended movies
- /movies/:id/similar = similar movies to the one clicked on
In order to implement the Third-Party authentication piece, Clerk was used. Their documentation can be found here:
The documentation was very detailed and helped massively in the implementing this part of the project.
As multiple routes needed to be protected, I wrapped the routes within a route (
In addition to this, an animated cursor was used in the UI revamp section using this library (