Use Tomba email finder to lookup for emails on websites.
- See the official documentation.
- Nmap 7.60 and above
- Tomba account You can get a free key from Tomba register
Copy the tomba.nse to your Nmap program directory/scripts.
Note: directory
- for Linux user should be under /usr/share/nmap
- for Windows user should be under C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap
with args:
nmap --script tomba <target> --script-args 'tomba.key=ta_xxxx,tomba.secret=ts_xxxx'
or Set your Tomba API key and secret on the file tomba.nse to avoid typing it in every time
nmap --script tomba <target>
- key Tomba api key.
- secret Tomba api secret.
Founded in 2021, Tomba prides itself on being the most reliable, accurate, and in-depth source of Email address data available anywhere. We process terabytes of data to produce our Email finder API, company.
Please see the Apache 2.0 license file for more information.