A formally verified interpreter for Lambda Calculus.
Dependencies: agda2hs version 1.2.
Build with the build.sh
- Lexer
- Parser
- Tests
- Parser
- Evaluator
- De Bruijn Indices
- Basic formalization
- Type checker
- Evaluator
- Simple Types
- Verify properties using Agda (Progress/Preservation)
- Extensions (TaPL ch 11)
- Uninterpreted (opaque) Types
- Numbers, booleans, ITE, ltNat
- Pairs
- Sums
- Pattern Matching
- General recursion
- More preprocessing besides erasing names (enable larger sums or products, for instance)
- Polymorphism
- Recursive Types (Enabling strings)
- Library of examples
- Editor Support
- Syntax Highlight (Vim, Emacs)
- Language Server Protocol
- Package Manager
- Nicer REPL
- Interpret arrows
- Autocomplete
- Code Generation
- Support for commentary
- Specific error nessages
- Lexer
- Parser
- Type checker
- Documentation
- Commands
- Eval
- Define
- Load
- Typedef
- Read (type safety?)
- Check
- DAG instead of AST
- System F omega
- Type Inference
- Type Classes
- Dependent Types