It allows to communicate with Nextion displays and update the TFT content. Tested on ESP32 and Sonoff NSPanel. Some parameters are hardcoded (like TFT update baud rate) but easy to change. Feel free to create a PR and formalize this API. To see this API in action see:
- Flash Micropython firmware on your board (
- Install Adafruit ampy to upload .py and .tft files to the Micropython filesystem
pip install -U adafruit-ampy
- Upload on the board
ampy --port /dev/my_port put src/
All examples are valid for Sonoff NSPanel ( powered by ESP32.
from machine import Pin
tft = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)
from nextion import *
uart = UART(2, 115200)
uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, tx=16, rx=17)
writer = NextionWriter(uart)
writer.write("page page2") #changes current page to page2
There's no need to send FF FF FF at the end of each command. If you want to send data in chunks use insertDelimeter=False parameter:
from nextion import *
writer.write("page ", insertDelimeter = False)
In this example, MCU replies with "vis loadingBtn,0" every time it gets "01 02 FF FF FF" from the screen. This code is usually in a file
from nextion import *
uart = UART(2, 115200)
uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, tx=16, rx=17)
writer = NextionWriter(uart)
class SampleAction(NextionAction):
# execute this action every time when MCU receives 01 02 FF FF FF, note that the data is stripped from FF FF FF
def checkMatch(self, data: bytearray):
return len(data) == 2 and data[0] == 0x01 and data[1] == 0x02
def act(self, data: bytearray):
self.writer.write("vis loadingBtn,0") # hide loadingBtn
actions = []
reader = NextionReader(uart, actionsBag)
while True:
The TFT file must be stored in the Micropython file system space. You can use Adafruit's ampy for that:
ampy --port /dev/my_port put src/my_custom.tft
Run this code in REPL:
from nextion import *
uart = UART(2, 115200)
uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, tx=16, rx=17)
writer = NextionWriter(uart)
or you can do this in an action
from nextion import *
uart = UART(2, 115200)
uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, tx=16, rx=17)
writer = NextionWriter(uart)
class SwitchToSetupAction(NextionAction):
def checkMatch(self, data: bytearray):
return len(data) == 2 and data[0] == 0x03 and data[1] == 0x04 # execute this action every time when MCU receives 03 04 FF FF FF
def act(self, data: bytearray):
self.writer.update("my_custom.tft") # begins screen update procedure
actions = []
reader = NextionReader(uart, actionsBag)
while True: