Before writing a new issue, search for it please, to check if it is already reported. Please fill bug reports, we encourage you to log properly every bug you found.
This is a bug tracker run by the community. For the inital idea, read this forum thead:
Head straight to for a list of all issues or click Issues
in the navigation bar above.
Make sure it isn't a package that's causing the bug. Start with a clean profile if you need.
This repo is for Sublime Text-related bugs only. If your issue is related to a specific package or plugin, submit your report to that package's repository instead.
Search for the bug here to see if an issue like yours already exists. You may use labels for filterting the issue list by clicking any of these related to the problem you want to report.
- Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the problem.
Write a summary of the problem in a few lines, giving an idea of what the issue is about.
Then, describe the bug with all the information you can give. Be sure to include the following information:
- Operating System
- The version of Sublime Text that you're using
- Any related software which may cause ST to act strangely
Also keep in mind to clearly separate fact from speculation.
Try to find a way to reproduce the problem and write down precise steps. It might be useful to include a code example for this. if a specific code produces the bug, try to share the code
Workarounds or other related tips on how to avoid the issue are welcome.
We won't slaughter you if you can't fulfill all of these steps but prepare to answer a few question if we think we're lacking information.
If you want to be really good at reporting bugs you can also read these guidelines for bugzilla bugs.
- Start with a descriptive but concise subject that quickly and uniquely identifies the issue.
- Explain briefly what the enhancement is and why you think it would be useful.
- Provide any other necessary or useful information regarding your issue, such as (code) examples or related links.
Note: "enhancements" are modifications to existing behaviour as opposed to something entirely new.