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A lightweight (<1KB), high performance, react-hook for text animations.

The hook receives a set of parameteres that allows you to customize the pace, and style of the animation.


  yarn dev

Will start the playground minisite at http://localhost:1234 and build the library on watch mode


Install to your react application

  npm install use-scramble

Import and call the useScramble hook

The hook returns a ref object, that you must apply to the target node, for the animation to take over.

import { useScramble } from 'use-scramble';

export const App = () => {
  const { ref } = useScramble({
    text: 'Achilles next, that nimble runner, swift on his feet as the wind',
    speed: 0.6,
    tick: 1,
    step: 1,
    scramble: 4,
    seed: 0,

  return <p ref={ref} />;


Property type default range description
playOnMount boolean true Skip the animation on the first text input
text string - Text value to scramble to
speed number 1 0-1 Animation framerate. 1 will redraw 60 times a second. 0 will pause the animation
tick number 1 1-∞ Frames per tick, combined with speed, you can fully control the pace rate
step number 1 1-∞ Moves the animation step characters forward, on every tick
scramble number 1 0-∞ How many times to randomize each character. A value of 0 will emulate a typewriter effect.
seed number 1 0-∞ Adds random characters ahead of the animation sequence
chance number 1 0-1 Chance of scrambling a character, range from 0 to 1, 0 being no chance, and 1 being 100% chance.
range number[] [65,125] Unicode characters range to select random characters from
overdrive boolean, number true Defaults to underscore (95) unicode character, or provide a custom unicode value
overflow boolean true Set to false to always restart the animation from an empty string
onAnimationStart function - callback invoked when the animation starts playing
onAnimationFrame function - callback invoked on every rerender
onAnimationEnd function - callback invoked on when the animation ends

Return Values

Along with the ref the return value, contains a replay function, that you can invoke to restart the animation.

const { ref, replay } = useScramble({ text: 'your_text' });

return <p ref={ref} onclick={replay} />;

Reduced Motion

If the user has requested to minimize non-essential motion with prefers-reduced-motion:reduce, the animation is entirely disabled.

Alternative recipes to tone down the animation are possible and currently considered. It's difficult to determine at what degree motion is essential.

Unicode Values

Glyph Unicode Description
  32 Space mark
! 33 Exclamation mark
" 34 Quotation mark
# 35 Hash
$ 36 Dollar sign
% 37 Percent sign
& 38 Ampersand
' 39 Apostrophe
( 40 Left parenthesis
) 41 Right parenthesis
* 42 Asterisk
+ 43 Plus sign
"," 44 Comma
- 45 Hyphen-minus
. 46 Full stop
/ 47 Slash (Solidus)
0 48 Digit Zero
1 49 Digit One
2 50 Digit Two
3 51 Digit Three
4 52 Digit Four
5 53 Digit Five
6 54 Digit Six
7 55 Digit Seven
8 56 Digit Eight
9 57 Digit Nine
: 58 Colon
; 59 Semicolon
< 60 Less-than sign
= 61 Equal sign
> 62 Greater-than sign
? 63 Question mark
@ 64 At sign
A 65 Latin Capital letter A
B 66 Latin Capital letter B
C 67 Latin Capital letter C
D 68 Latin Capital letter D
E 69 Latin Capital letter E
F 70 Latin Capital letter F
G 71 Latin Capital letter G
H 72 Latin Capital letter H
I 73 Latin Capital letter I
J 74 Latin Capital letter J
K 75 Latin Capital letter K
L 76 Latin Capital letter L
M 77 Latin Capital letter M
N 78 Latin Capital letter N
O 79 Latin Capital letter O
P 80 Latin Capital letter P
Q 81 Latin Capital letter Q
R 82 Latin Capital letter R
S 83 Latin Capital letter S
T 84 Latin Capital letter T
U 85 Latin Capital letter U
V 86 Latin Capital letter V
W 87 Latin Capital letter W
X 88 Latin Capital letter X
Y 89 Latin Capital letter Y
Z 90 Latin Capital letter Z
[ 91 Left Square Bracket
\ 92 Backslash
] 93 Right Square Bracket
^ 94 Circumflex accent
_ 95 Low line
` 96 Grave accent
a 97 Latin Small Letter A
b 98 Latin Small Letter B
c 99 Latin Small Letter C
d 100 Latin Small Letter D
e 101 Latin Small Letter E
f 102 Latin Small Letter F
g 103 Latin Small Letter G
h 104 Latin Small Letter H
i 105 Latin Small Letter I
j 106 Latin Small Letter J
k 107 Latin Small Letter K
l 108 Latin Small Letter L
m 109 Latin Small Letter M
n 110 Latin Small Letter N
o 111 Latin Small Letter O
p 112 Latin Small Letter P
q 113 Latin Small Letter Q
r 114 Latin Small Letter R
s 115 Latin Small Letter S
t 116 Latin Small Letter T
u 117 Latin Small Letter U
v 118 Latin Small Letter V
w 119 Latin Small Letter W
x 120 Latin Small Letter X
y 121 Latin Small Letter Y
z 122 Latin Small Letter Z
{ 123 Left Curly Bracket
| 124 Vertical bar
} 125 Right Curly Bracket
~ 126 Tilde