Meteor-like methods for React Native.
- react-native-meteor
- Connect your components
- Reactive variables
- Additionals collection methods
- ListView Components
- How To ?
- Author
- Want to help ?
- Since RN 0.26.0 you have to use ws or wss protocol to connect to your meteor server. http is not working on Android.
The purpose of this library is :
- to set up and maintain a ddp connection with a ddp server, freeing the developer from having to do it on their own.
- be fully compatible with react-native and help react-native developers.
- to match with Meteor documentation used with React.
npm i --save react-native-meteor@latest
!! See detailed installation guide
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import Meteor, { createContainer } from 'react-native-meteor';
Meteor.connect('ws://192.168.X.X:3000/websocket');//do this only once
class App extends Component {
renderRow(todo) {
return (
render() {
const { settings, todosReady } = this.props;
{!todosReady && <Text>Not ready</Text>}
selector={{done: true}}
options={{sort: {createdAt: -1}}}
export default createContainer(params=>{
const handle = Meteor.subscribe('todos');
return {
todosReady: handle.ready(),
settings: Meteor.collection('settings').findOne()
}, App)
Since Meteor 1.3, createContainer is the recommended way to populate your React Components.
Very similar to getMeteorData but your separate container components from presentational components.
import Meteor, { createContainer } from 'react-native-meteor';
class Orders extends Component {
render() {
const { pendingOrders } = this.props;
export default createContainer(params=>{
return {
pendingOrders: Meteor.collection('orders').find({status: "pending"}),
}, Orders)
connectMeteor is a React Mixin which enables getMeteorData (the old way of populating meteor data into your components).
import Meteor, { connectMeteor } from 'react-native-meteor';
* Uses decorators (see detailed installation to activate it)
* Or use :
class Todos extends Component {
export default Todos;
class Orders extends Component {
getMeteorData() {
return {
pendingOrders: Meteor.collection('orders').find({status: "pending"}),
render() {
const { pendingOrders } =;
These variables can be used inside getMeteorData or createContainer. They will be populated into your component if they change.
- Meteor.subscribe : returns an handle. !! If the component which called subscribe is unmounted, the subscription is automatically canceled.
- Meteor.collection(collectionName)
- Meteor.user()
- Meteor.userId()
- Meteor.status()
- Meteor.loggingIn()
- ReactiveDict()
These methods (except update) work offline. That means that elements are correctly updated offline, and when you reconnect to ddp, Meteor calls are taken care of.
- Meteor.collection(collectionName)
Same as ListView Component but does not need dataSource and accepts three arguments :
string requiredselector
[string / object]options
[string / function] ref to ListView component.
selector={{done: true}}
options={{sort: {createdAt: -1}}}
//...other listview props
Same as ListView Component but does not need dataSource and accepts one argument. You may need it if you make complex requests combining multiples collections.
function required : a reactive function which returns an array of elements.listViewRef
[string / function] ref to ListView component.
elements={()=>{return Meteor.collection('todos').find()}}
//...other listview props
Connect to a DDP server. You only have to do this once in your app.
string requiredoptions
object Available options are :- autoConnect boolean [true] whether to establish the connection to the server upon instantiation. When false, one can manually establish the connection with the Meteor.ddp.connect method.
- autoReconnect boolean [true] whether to try to reconnect to the server when the socket connection closes, unless the closing was initiated by a call to the disconnect method.
- reconnectInterval number [10000] the interval in ms between reconnection attempts.
Disconnect from the DDP server.
- Meteor.loginWithPassword (Please note that user is auto-resigned in - like in Meteor Web applications - thanks to React Native AsyncStorage.)
- Meteor.logout
- Meteor.logoutOtherClients
Example `import { composeWithTracker } from 'react-native-meteor';``
- Tracker
- composeWithTracker: If you want to use react-komposer, you can use react-native-meteor compatible composeWithTracker
- Accounts (see below)
See documentation.
`import { Accounts } from 'react-native-meteor';``
- Accounts.createUser
- Accounts.changePassword
- Accounts.forgotPassword
- Accounts.resetPassword
- Accounts.onLogin
- Accounts.onLoginFailure
- Meteor.FSCollection(collectionName) : Helper for Meteor-CollectionFS. Full documentation here
- This plugin also exposes a FSCollectionImagesPreloader component which helps you preload every image you want in CollectionFS (only available on ios)
import { FSCollectionImagesPreloader } from 'react-native-meteor';
selector={{metadata.owner: XXX}}
Once connected to the ddp server, you can access every method available in ddp.js.
- Meteor.ddp.on('connected')
- Meteor.ddp.on('added')
- Meteor.ddp.on('changed')
- ...
- You can use Switch with createContainer. Example :
componentWillMount() {
this.scenes = Actions.create(
<Scene key="root" component={createContainer(this.composer, Switch)} selector={this.selector} tabs={true}>
<Scene key="loading" hideNavBar={true} component={Loading} />
<Scene key="login" hideNavBar={true}>
<Scene key="loginbis" component={Login} />
<Scene key="loggedIn" component={Layout}>
<Scene key="main" hideNavBar={true}>
composer() {
return {
connected: Meteor.status().connected,
user: Meteor.user()
selector(data, props) {
if(!data.connected) {
return "loading";
} else if (!data.user) {
return "login";
} else {
return "loggedIn";
- Théo Mathieu (@Mokto)
- From inProgress
Pull Requests and issues reported are welcome ! :)