This is the Neovim colorscheme repository for
. The theme repository (including palettes, integrations, etc...) is at: 👉 titembaatar/sarnai
- Two variants: 🌸 Khavar (dark) and ❄️ Ovol (light)
- Aim to reduce eye strain
- Treesitter integration
- Plugin ecosystem compatibility
- Customizable
- Caching for improved performance
Using lazy.nvim
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
-- your configuration comes here
-- leave it empty to use the default settings
style = "khavar", -- khavar or ovol
transparent = false, -- true enables transparent background
After installation, you can set the colorscheme using:
-- In your init.lua
vim.cmd.colorscheme("sarnai") -- Default (khavar/dark)
-- or
vim.cmd.colorscheme("sarnai-khavar") -- Explicitly dark theme
-- or
vim.cmd.colorscheme("sarnai-ovol") -- Light theme
Sarnai.nvim comes with these defaults:
-- The theme style: "khavar" (dark) or "ovol" (light)
style = "khavar",
-- Enable transparent background
transparent = false,
-- Set terminal colors
terminal_colors = true,
-- Configure syntax highlighting styles
styles = {
-- Set to false to disable a style globally
italic = true,
bold = true,
underline = true,
-- Specific syntax elements
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = { italic = true },
functions = {},
variables = {},
-- Plugin integrations
plugins = {
-- Enable all plugins by default (when not using lazy.nvim)
all = true,
-- Auto-detect plugins via lazy.nvim
auto = true,
-- Override specific plugins
-- mini = true,
-- trouble = true,
-- Enable caching for better performance
cache = true,
-- Override colors
on_colors = function(colors)
-- Example: Customize the pink accent
-- colors.palette.sarnai = "#e5a3ab"
-- Override highlights
on_highlights = function(highlights, colors)
-- Example: Custom comment styling
-- highlights.Comment = { fg = colors.palette.muted, italic = true }
Sarnai.nvim provides highlighting for:
- fzf-lua (fuzzy finder)
- telescope.nvim (fuzzy finder)
- mini.nvim (statusline, files, comments, etc.)
- blink.cmp (completion)
- gitsigns.nvim (git integration)
- which-key.nvim (keybindings)
- snacks.nvim (dashboard, notifications)
- zen-mode.nvim (focus mode)
- trouble.nvim (diagnostics viewer)
- nvim-dap (debugging)
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to report issues, suggest features, or submit pull requests.
MIT License