The TICS GitHub action integrates the TICS code quality framework into your workflows. This allows you to effectively measure and monitor the software code quality of all your projects and their branches.
The incorporated Quality Gating
feature can be used for Pull Request
and Commit
approvals. It can also decorate your pull request so the quality data is easily available.
Furthermore, the changed files are annotated with findings from the TICS analysis, so it is clear where the issues are and thus where they need to be addressed.
There are two types of analysis modes available:
Reference runs
using TICS QServer (See section QServer). Reference points with code quality metric data are created that are used for the qualification runs. Intended for base branches of pull requests, e.g.main
.Qualification runs
using TICS Client (See section Client). Compares a set of changed files from a commit or pull request to the reference point for qualification, using a Quality Gate. Intended for pull requests and branches like feature or bug-fix branches.
- A TICS Viewer (version 2022.4 or higher) running somewhere on the network that is HTTP(S) accessible by the runner on which you want to execute the action.
- The connected runner should have Git installed.
Linux and Windows based runners, both GitHub-hosted and self-hosted, are supported.
- It is not working for forked repositories.
- It is not working for TICS installations using the legacy deployment architecture.
- macOS runners (GitHub-hosted or self-hosted) are not yet supported.
Add the TICS GitHub Action
to your workflow to launch TICS code analysis and post the results of Quality Gating feature as part of your pull request. Below are some example of how to include the TICS GitHub Action
step as part of your workflow.
The default mode to run is TICS Client. In this mode, the commit or pull request will be evaluated. The Quality Gate
determines whether the commit or pull request qualifies for delivery.
The quality gate and measurement results are reported in your action summary and optionally the pull request can be decorated.
Below is an example of the minimum configuration that needs to be created in the workflow to enable TICS Client analysis:
on: [pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: TICS GitHub Action
uses: tiobe/tics-github-action@v3
ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }}
installTics: true
The most common use case to trigger a workflow running TICS Client is typically on pull_request
. Depending on the applied way of working, other events may be also applicable.
Please consult Github documentation for triggering a workflow and
events that trigger workflows for more information.
The following inputs are recommended or required for this action:
Input | Description | Required |
viewerUrl |
A URL pointing to the "cfg" API endpoint of the TICS Viewer. It contains the name of the TICS Analyzer Configuration or "-" in case of the default configuration. Example: viewerUrl: |
true |
ticsAuthToken |
Authentication token to authorize the plugin when it connects to the TICS Viewer (Only required if a token is needed to run TICS). It is highly recommended to store these tokens in GitHub Secrets and use the secrets inside your workflow instead. Example: ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }} |
false |
project |
Name of the TICS project present in the TICS Viewer. If not given it will use project auto when running Client. Is required for QServer. |
false |
installTics |
Boolean parameter to install TICS command-line tools on a runner before executing the analysis. If not specified, TICS should be installed manually on the machine that runs this job, default value is false . |
false |
The following options allow to instrument TICS Client more specifically:
Input | Description | Default |
calc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to be calculated. The GATE metric is supported for TICS Viewer versions higher than 2022.2.x. |
recalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to be recalculated. The GATE GATE metric is supported for TICS Viewer versions higher than 2022.2.x. |
- |
nocalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to not be calculated. | - |
norecalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to not be recalculated. | - |
filelist |
Path to a file containing a list of files (newline separated) to run TICS for. This can be an absolute or relative (to workspace) path, and can also be . to analyze the whole project. This has to be set when the action is run outside of a pull request. |
- |
cdtoken |
A custom client-data token for the purpose of the Client Viewer functionality. This provides a static URL that is updated with every analysis. | - |
branchname |
Name of the branch in TICS. | - |
codetype |
Allows you to pick which specific types of code you want to analyze with the TICS client. Options are PRODUCTION , TESTCODE , EXTERNAL and GENERATED . |
excludeMovedFiles |
Exclude moved and renamed files from analysis completely. By default these are included if there are modifications in the file. | false |
showBlockingAfter |
Show the blocking after violations in the changed files window. Options are true or false . |
true |
tmpdir |
Location to store debug information. | - |
As of v3, the option to run TICSQServer analyses has been made available. With TICSQServer, persistent measurement points are created which are stored in your Quality Database. These measurement points are used by the TICS Client to determine how the code quality evolved from that point. TICSQServer can also compare the last obtained results with the previous run and apply Quality Gating.
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: TICS GitHub Action
uses: tiobe/tics-github-action@v3
mode: qserver
project: project-name
branchdir: ${{ GITHUB_WORKSPACE }}
ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }}
installTics: true
The most common use case to trigger a workflow running TICSQServer is typically on push
to main
, or any other branch from which other branches are derived. Other examples are release and develop branches.
Please consult Github documentation for triggering a workflow and
events that trigger workflows for more information.
When triggering on multiple branches, please make sure to provide the correct project
or branchName
value, corresponding to the TICS branch QServer will be running on.
The following inputs are recommended or required for this action:
Input | Description | Required |
mode |
Set mode to qserver run the action in TICSQServer mode. Options are client or qserver for an analysis run and diagnostic for a diagnostic run to test the setup. The default is client . |
true |
project |
Name of the TICS project present in the TICS Viewer. | true |
viewerUrl |
A URL pointing to the "cfg" API endpoint of the TICS Viewer. It contains the name of the TICS Analyzer Configuration or "-" in case of the default configuration. Example: viewerUrl: |
true |
branchdir |
Root directory of the source files for the branch. TICS stores the last used branch directory in the database and uses this last known directory if this property is not set. It is recommended to set this variable. Example: branchdir: ${{ GITHUB_WORKSPACE }} |
false |
ticsAuthToken |
Authentication token to authorize the plugin when it connects to the TICS Viewer (Only required if a token is needed to run TICS). It is highly recommended to store these tokens in GitHub Secrets and use the secrets inside your workflow instead. Example: ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }} |
false |
installTics |
Boolean parameter to install TICS command-line tools on a runner before executing the analysis. If not specified, TICS should be installed manually on the machine that runs this job, default value is false . |
false |
The following options allow to instrument TICSQServer more specifically:
Input | Description | Default |
calc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to be calculated. | ALL |
recalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to be recalculated. | - |
nocalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to not be calculated. | - |
norecalc |
Comma-separated list of metrics to not be recalculated. | - |
branchname |
Name of the branch in TICS. | - |
excludeMovedFiles |
Exclude moved and renamed files from analysis completely. By default these are included if there are modifications in the file. | false |
showBlockingAfter |
Show the blocking after violations in the changed files window. Options are true or false . |
true |
tmpdir |
Location to store debug information. | - |
Below are some special parameters that can be used to control how the GitHub Action posts its results:
Input | Description | Default |
postAnnotations |
Show the TICS violations in the changed files window. Options are true or false . |
true |
postToConversation |
Post the summary to the conversation page of the pull request. | true |
pullRequestApproval |
Set the plugin to approve or deny a pull request, by default this is false. Options are true or false . Note that once a run that added a reviewer has been completed, this reviewer cannot be deleted from that pull request. (Always the case on versions between TICS GitHub Action 2.0.0 and 2.5.0). |
false |
Below, parameters are described to control infra structure and security related aspects:
Input | Description | Default |
githubToken |
Applied automatically in an action (see Authenticating with the GITHUB_TOKEN), can be overridden if needed. | GITHUB_TOKEN |
hostnameVerification |
Check whether the certificate matches the server. Options are 1 /true or 0 /false . Documentation on Client-side SSL/TLS. |
true |
trustStrategy |
Check the validity of certificates. Options are all , self-signed or strict . Documentation on Client-side SSL/TLS. |
strict |
retryCodes |
Status codes to retry api calls for. The default codes will be overwritten if this option is set. | 419 , 500 , 501 , 502 , 503 , 504 |
secretsFilter |
Comma-separated list of extra secrets to mask in the console output. | - |
displayUrl |
The URL that end-users need to visit the TICS Viewer. This can differ from the viewerURL if TICS Client and TICSQServer communicate via a reverse proxy, but the end-users have direct access. (e.g. | - |
There is also the possibility to do a so called "diagnostic" run. This mode can be enabled to test if TICS has been set up properly and can run on the machine the action is run on.
on: workflow_dispatch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: TICS GitHub Action
uses: tiobe/tics-github-action@v3
mode: diagnostic
ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }}
installTics: true
The most common use case to trigger the diagnostic workflow is typically on workflow_dispatch
. This way one can manually execute this.
Please consult Github documentation for triggering a workflow and
events that trigger workflows for more information.
The following inputs are recommended or required for this action:
Input | Description | Required |
mode |
Set 'mode' to qserver run the action in Diagnostic mode. Options are client or qserver for an analysis run and diagnostic for a diagnostic run to test the setup. The default is client . |
true |
viewerUrl |
A URL pointing to the "cfg" API endpoint of the TICS Viewer. It contains the name of the TICS Analyzer Configuration or "-" in case of the default configuration. Example: viewerUrl: |
true |
ticsAuthToken |
Authentication token to authorize the plugin when it connects to the TICS Viewer (Only required if a token is needed to run TICS). It is highly recommended to store these tokens in GitHub Secrets and use the secrets inside your workflow instead. Example: ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }} |
false |
installTics |
Boolean parameter to install TICS command-line tools on a runner before executing the analysis. If not specified, TICS should be installed manually on the machine that runs this job, default value is false . |
false |
There are environment variables to control several aspects of TICS. Please refer to the TICS documentation for more information.
To control the location where TICS is installed, TICSINSTALLDIR
can be used.
Input | Description | Permitted values |
Custom path to the location where TICS must be installed. |
on: workflow_dispatch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: TICS GitHub Action
uses: tiobe/tics-github-action@v3
TICSINSTALLDIR: /tmp/tics/wrapper
ticsAuthToken: ${{ secrets.TICSAUTHTOKEN }}
installTics: true
The interface (running with parameters) has been changed to better reflect its usage. This interface is now more synchronized with TICS command line usage, and has been changed to be closer to other plugins that TIOBE provides. Parameter Changes (v2/old -> v3/new):
- ticsConfiguration -> viewerUrl
- viewerUrl -> displayUrl
- projectName -> project
- branchName -> branchname
- branchDir -> branchdir
- clientData -> cdtoken
- tmpDir -> tmpdir