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Life Beacon 360 (an early prototype)

A location tracking application with a mobile client and backend server.

Project Overview

Life Beacon 360 is a prototype location tracking system that consists of:

  1. Mobile Client: Android app that tracks user location and sends it to a server
  2. Server: Go backend that receives and stores location data

This project allows for real-time or interval-based location tracking with authorization.

Mobile Client

Setup Instructions

  1. Install dependencies:

    cd mobile_client
    npm install
  2. Build the app:

    npm run build
  3. Add Android platform:

    npx cap add android
  4. Copy the web assets to Android:

    npx cap sync android
  5. Open in Android Studio:

    npx cap open android
  6. Build and install the app on your device from Android Studio

Usage Instructions

  1. Configure Settings:

    • Enter the Server Address (e.g., http://your-server:8080/api/locations)
    • Enter the Server Token (same as configured in your server's .env file)
    • Set the Location Interval (in seconds, 0 = immediate)
    • Enable "Send Location to Server" if you want to send data
    • Press "Save Settings"
  2. Start Tracking:

    • Navigate to the Tracking page
    • Press "Start Tracking" to begin location tracking
    • The app will request location permissions
    • Position data will appear on screen
    • If sending is enabled, location will be sent at the specified interval
    • Press "Stop Tracking" to stop location updates
  3. Background Operation:

    • The app will continue tracking location even when minimized or the screen is off
    • A notification will appear showing tracking is active


Setup Instructions

  1. Create a .env file in the server/config directory:

    cp server/config/.env.example server/config/.env
  2. Edit the .env file with your database credentials and API token:

  3. Start the PostgreSQL database:

    cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml
    # Edit docker-compose.yml to match your credentials
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Build and run the server:

    cd server
    go build -o life-beacon-server ./cmd

API Endpoints

Save Location

  • URL: /api/locations
  • Method: POST
  • Auth Required: Yes (Token in Authorization header)
  • Headers:
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN
  • Body:
      "latitude": 37.7749,
      "longitude": -122.4194
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 201
    • Content: { "message": "Location saved successfully" }


Common Issues

  1. Location Not Updating:

    • Ensure location permissions are granted
    • Check that GPS is enabled on your device
    • On Android 10+, make sure background location permission is granted
  2. Failed to Send Location:

    • Verify server address is correct and includes the full path
    • Confirm the API token matches between client and server
    • Check that the server is running and accessible
    • Ensure your device has internet connectivity
  3. Database Connection Issues:

    • Verify PostgreSQL is running (docker ps)
    • Check the database credentials in .env
    • Ensure the port is accessible


  • Mobile client logs can be viewed in Android Studio's Logcat
  • Server logs appear in the terminal where the server is running

Security Notes

This is a prototype and has basic security features:

  • Token-based API authentication
  • Data sent over HTTPS is recommended for production

For a production environment, consider adding:

  • User authentication
  • Data encryption
  • More robust error handling
  • Rate limiting


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0) - see the LICENSE file for details.

The AGPL-3.0 requires that if you modify this software and provide it as a service over a network (e.g., a web application), you must make your modified source code available to the users of that service.