- Question 1
Write a function def solution(A,B) that given two non-negative integers A and B, returns the number of bits set to 1 in the binary representation of the number AB. For example,given A=3 and B=7 the function should return 3, because the binary representation of AB=3*7=21 is 10101and it contains three bits set to 1. Assume that:
- A and B are integers within the range [0..100,000,000]
def solution(A,B):
multiple = A * B
binary_literal = bin(multiple)
binary_string = binary_literal.split('b')[-1]
return binary_string.count("1")
def solution(A,B):
product = A * B
binary_value_list = []
dividend = product
quotient = -1
while quotient != 0:
quotient = dividend // 2
remainder = dividend % 2
dividend = quotient
return binary_value_list.count(1)
- Question 2
An array A consisting of N integers is given. A slice of that are a pair of integers(P,Q) such that 0<=P<=Q<N. A slice(P<,Q) of array A is called non-negative if all the elements A[p],A[P+1],..A[Q-1],A[Q] are non-negative. The sum of a slice(P,Q) of array A is the value A[P]+A[P+1]+...+A[Q-1]+A[Q]. For example, the following array A: A[0]=1 A[1]=2 A[2]=-3 A[3]=4 A[4]=5 A[5]=-6 has non-negative slices(0,0),(1,1),(0,1),(3,3),(4,4) and (3,4). The sum of slice (0,1) is A[0]+A[1]=1+2=3 The sum of slice (3,4) is A[3]+A[4]=4+5=9 The sum of slice (4,4) is A[4]=5 Write a function: def solution(A) that, given an array A consisting of N integers returns the maximum sum of any non-negative slice in the array. The function should return -1 if there are no non-negative slices in the array
def solution(A):
sum_of_slices_list = []
no_non_negative_slices_in_array = True
previous_index_of_negative_number = -1 # need to add a 1 to create a slice
for index , element in enumerate(A):
if element < 0:
# calculate the sum from the previous_index_of_negative_number to this index
if previous_index_of_negative_number == -1 and index == 0:
# the first element is negative and thus no calculations is possible , just need to skip to next element
previous_index_of_negative_number = 0
slice_of_elements_to_calculate_sum = A[ (previous_index_of_negative_number + 1) : index]
previous_index_of_negative_number = index
no_non_negative_slices_in_array = False
if no_non_negative_slices_in_array:
return -1
return max(sum_of_slices_list)