Releases: tim740/skAliases
Releases · tim740/skAliases
Minecraft Version Required: 1.12.1 +
Minor edits
**Fixed nether wart block conflict on 1.10+**
`nether(_| )wart(_| )block¦s` **===>** `nether(_| )wart(_| )plant[(_| )block]¦s`
`freshly(_| )planted(_| )nether(_| )wart¦s` **===>** `[freshly](_| )planted(_| )nether(_| )wart[(_| )block]¦s`
**Fixed "There are no aliases defined for the following ids: 438, 441" warning**
You can use `splash[(_| )]woter[(_| )]bottle¦s` and `lingering[(_| )]woter[(_| )]bottle¦s` now.
The old types `splash(_| )potion¦s` and `lingering(_| )potion¦s` were not working.
### **Fixed log types completely**
This update seperates log _items_ and log _blocks_.
**You can understand changes with examples:**
- If you want to give or drop something like `log` or `jungle log`; that is exactly safe! No missing texture or game crashes. You can use `oak log item` too.
- If you set a block to `log`, it would set the block to a random log with random direction. If you specify tree type like `acacia`, it will set the block to acacia log but upside-down always.
- If you want to check if a block is any log, use `log block`. If you want to check if a block is a specified log; you can use `oak log`.
- If you give something like `oak log block` or `log block` to a player, it may be missing texture.
**So don't give/drop "log blocks".**
**More optional things**
- "block" optional on `wool` types
- "mob" optional on `mob spawner` type
- "ous" optional on `poisonous potato`
- "en" optional on `golden carrot`
- "rocket" optional on `firework rocket`
- **So many missing optional spaces and undercores.**
- optional space between "book shelf/es"
- south-north and west-east log block directions.
- Missing "oak" to `dark oak sapling` item type (optional).
- `quartz ore` to `ores` collection.
- `Ender Dragon head`.
- `experience bottle` type.
- `iron bar[s] block` and `iron fence/wall` (you can still use `iron bars`).
- "armo**u**r" support to `armor stand`.
- Optional "item" to `emerald`.
- `fence` to `[any] fence` (fix) and added `oak fence`.
- `jack-o-lantern¦s` to `jack(-| )o['](-| )lantern¦s`.
- `iron open[ed] trapdoor¦s` to `open[ed](_| )iron(_| )trapdoor¦s`.
- `iron closed trapdoor¦s` to `closed(_| )iron(_| )trapdoor¦s`.
- `mossy(_| )cobble[stone]` to `moss[y](_| )cobble[(_| )stone]`
- "junsgle" typo.
Minecraft Version Required: 1.11 +
any(_| )rabbit(_| )meat = 411, 412
any(_| )mutton = 423, 424
any(_| )fence(_| )gate¦s = 107, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187
any(_| )trapdoor¦s = 96, 167
any(_| )normal(_| )pressure(_| )plate¦s = 70, 72
any(_| )weight(_| )pressure(_| )plate¦s 147, 148
any(_| )pressure(_| )plate¦s = 70, 72, 147, 148
Made purple shulker box default
Small Fixes
Minecraft Version Required: 1.11 +
observer¦s = 218
totem(_| )of(_| )Undying¦s = 449
shulker(_| )shell¦s = 450
treasure(_| )map¦s = 358
[white(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219
orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 220
magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 221
light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 222
yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 223
(lime|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 224
pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 225
gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 226
light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 227
cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 228
purple(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 229
blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 230
brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 231
green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 232
red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 233
black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 234
any(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)¦s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234