Hello fellow code adventurers! I'm embarking on a quest to broaden my coding horizons, and I've chosen Zig as my trusty companion on this journey. My pursuit began with a simple goal: learn a new language. But as fate would have it, my path took an unexpected turn.
Armed with my MacBook, I eagerly set out to install Zig, only to be met with a formidable adversary - a compatibility issue unique to the latest macos. Undeterred, I saw this as an opportunity to not just learn Zig, but to also dive deep into the realm of cloud-based development. Thus, the Adventure of Code (AOC) project was born.
This project is a tapestry of daily coding challenges, each a unique story in the grand saga of Zig. Picture a vast library of directories, each dated and named like chapters in an epic (e.g., 23/01/Trebuchet
). Every folder is a self-contained adventure, complete with its own Zig code, tests, and data.
├── year/
│ ├── day/
│ │ ├── adventure/
│ │ │ ├── src/
│ │ │ │ └── main.zig
│ │ │ ├── test/
│ │ │ │ └── main_test.zig
│ │ │ └── data/
│ │ │ ├── input
│ │ │ └── example
│ │ └── ...
└── ...
Facing the limitations of my local setup, I turned to the cloud - a realm where possibilities are endless. Here, GitHub Actions became my powerful ally, enabling me to automate the entire lifecycle of each challenge. This cloud-based forge handles the compilation, testing, and release of my code, making my MacBook a mere portal to this vast digital workshop.
Each challenge, a distinct quest in itself, is equipped with its own set of automated processes, ensuring that every modification weaves seamlessly into the tapestry of AOC.
In this realm, GitHub Actions is like a wizard, casting spells that automate workflows across various environments. It's not just a tool; it's an extension of my coding will, ensuring that my creations are robust, platform-agnostic, and ever-evolving.
This journey is chronicled under the MIT License