add clickable artists names to album page (thoulee )
use clickable artists names for track info bar (thoulee )
Add DrawNavi component for drawer navigation (thoulee )
adapt drawer navigation (thoulee )
use BlurBackground for TrackListSheet's background, remove experimentalBlur redux slice (thoulee )
Update drawer title with app version number (thoulee )
Add favsSlice to redux store and implement favorite track functionality (thoulee )
Add userDetail.d.ts to define user detail interfaces (thoulee )
Add AsyncStorage for favorite tracks (thoulee )
Add Favorites page (thoulee )
Add FavToggle component for toggling favorite tracks (thoulee )
update album page style by removing useless android view (thoulee )
Code Refactoring
extract MV button from TrackItem (thoulee )
update DrawerNavi name and style (thoulee )
improve albums.tsx's imports (thoulee )
debounce restore status bar style in MvCover (thoulee )
Update SongItem to become a general purpose component (thoulee )
update console.log statement in PlaybackService.ts (thoulee )
Update albumArtist.d.ts with consistent quotation marks and spacing (thoulee )
86c2608 : v4.3.0 (thoulee)
You can’t perform that action at this time.