Hi, I’m Vimal Dubey...
A Software Developer committed to creating innovative solutions for real-world problems through technology. Dedicated to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of emerging tech trends. Passionate about contributing to impactful, scalable, and innovative solutions in the tech industry.
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Developer developing real-time online games and applications.
I enjoy working on
- 📊 Android, KMM & Backend including Flask & Spring Boot
- 🛠 Computer Vision, AR/VR & Unity Games
- 🤖 Reading Docs and Open Source Code
- 📝 I write technical blogs and articles
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on making Argumental Reality and AI applications
- 📙 Check out my Resume
- 🎉 Fun-Fact: "Umm🤔... Addicted to
!" - Connect with me : [UNO Profile]
Some Recent articles:
- Android: Ease Your Android Development with Timber: Simplify Logging and Debugging
- Projects🔉: Have a look