Laravel Wrapper for Textlocal API.
A convenience wrapper for the api requests for transactional as well as promotional accounts. The reseller account specific api are not available at this point in time.
Sms messaging can be used for transactional messages like:
- Sending OTP for Two Factor Authentication
- Confirmation of payment received or order placed etc
Transactional messages need to be sent through at any time without any DND (Do Not Disturb) restrictions. For this one needs to register a Transactional Account with Textlocal or request for conversion of the default account to a Transactional Account.
On the other hand Sms messaging may also be used for promotional activities like:
- Announcing product launch or discount sale
- Announcing an award receid=ved by the company or product
- Sending coupon code etc
Promotional messages need to adhere to the DND (Do Not Disturb) restrictions. The default signup at Textlocal creates a Promotional Account by default.
$ composer require thinkstudeo/textlocal
Package facilitates using Transactional as well as Promotional Account with Textlocal at the same time.
Add the following to your config/services.php
'textlocal' => [
'transactional' => [
'promotional' => [
Don't forget to add the keys to your .env
If you have just one - i.e. Promotional Account or Transactional Account - make sure to enter the API key accordingly.
For example, for just a Textlocal Promotional Account, declare TEXTLOCAL_PROMOTIONAL_KEY=api_key_for_your_promotional_account
TEXTLOCAL_TRANSACTIONAL_KEY= <your textlocal transactional account api key here>
TEXTLOCAL_PROMOTIONAL_KEY= <your textlocal promotional account api key here>
There are two facades included with the package:
for sending messagesAccount
for interacting with the Textlocal Account
For differentiating the api calls with respect to account type use transactional()
or promotional()
to set the account for the api call.
You must have a transactional account with Textlocal inorder to send transactional sms without DND restriction 24x7.
Also don't forget to get your templates for the transactional messages approved by Textlocal.
Finally, you must generate an API KEY from your Textlocal dashboard
Then you can use the facade like
->from('SENDER') //Your registered sender
->send('My message'); //as per your approved template
->from('SENDER') //Your registered sender
->send('My message'); //as per your approved template
OR, you can also provide the numbers as an array
->to(['911234523451', '919898456456'])
->from('SENDER') //Your registered sender
->send('My message'); //as per your approved template
And if you want to schedule a message to be sent at a specified time in future you can provide a datetime string in any of the formats supported by Carbon or you may also provide a unix timestamp.
$schedule = "2019-01-01 09:30:00";
->from('SENDER') //Your registered sender
->send('My message'); //as per your approved template
To cancel a scheduled message
//Get a list of all the scheduled messages
$response = Account::transactional()->scheduledMessages();
$scheduledMessages = $response->scheduled;
//Identify the scheduled message you want to cancel
$msg = $scheduledMessages[0];
//Cancel the message
->from('TXTLCL') //or Your registered sender
->send('My message');
->from('TXTLCL') //or Your registered sender
->send('My message');
OR, you can also provide the numbers as an array
->to(['911234523451', '919898456456'])
->from('TXTLCL') //or Your registered sender
->send('My message');
And if you want to schedule a message to be sent at a specified time in future you can provide a datetime string in any of the formats supported by Carbon or you may also provide a unix timestamp.
$schedule = "2019-01-01 09:30:00";
->at($schedule) //unix timestamp
->from('TXTLCL') //or Your registered sender
->send('My message'); //as per your approved template
To cancel a scheduled message
//Get a list of all the scheduled messages
$response = Account::promotional()->scheduledMessages();
$scheduledMessages = $response->scheduled;
//Identify the scheduled message you want to cancel
$msg = $scheduledMessages[0];
//Cancel the message
To get the details of status of a message sent
//Capture the message id and or batch id when you send the message
$response = Sms::promotional()->to(['911234523451', '919898456456'])->from('TXTLCL')->send('My Message');
$msgId = $response->messages[1]->id;
$batchId = $response->batch_id;
//Get the status
To retrieve the received messages from specific inbox
//Get a list of all inboxes in your account
$inboxList = Account::promotional()->inboxes();
//Identify the inbox you want to fetch the messages from, and get its id
$inboxId = $inboxList[0]->id;
//Fetch the messages from the inbox
$messages = Account::promotional()->messages($inboxId);
To fetch all the templates associated with the account
$templates = Account::transactional()->templates();
To fetch all the approved sender names from your account
$senders = Account::transactional()->senders();
To get the current account balance (credits remaining)
$balance = Account::promotional()->balance();
$availability = Account::promotional()->checkKeyword('KEYWRD');
$exists = Account::promotional()->groupExists('Customers')
$groupId = Account::promotional()->createGroup('Tech')->group->id;
$groupList = Account::promotional()->groups();
//Note the id of the group when you create a new one
$customersId = Account::promotional()->createGroup('Customers')->group->id;
//Or get a list of all groups
$groupList = Account::promotional()->groups();
//Get the id of the group you want to delete
$groupId = $groupList[0]->id;
//Delete the group
$status = Account::promotional()->deleteGroup($customerId);
$status = Account::promotional()->deleteGroup($groupId);
//Or just give the name of the group to the command
$status = Account::promotional()->deleteGroup('Customers');
$groupId = '66455';
$members = Account::promotional()->members($groupId);
$groupId = '66455';
$numbers = '919033100026,919879612326';
$response = Account::promotional()->addNumbers($numbers, $groupId);
$groupId = '66455';
$members = [
['number' => '911234567894', 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe'],
['number' => '913355667798', 'first_name' => 'Jane', 'last_name' => 'Mclane']
$response = Account::promotional()->addMembers($members);
$response = Account::promotional()->removeMember('913355667798', $groupId);
$response = Account::promotional()->optOuts();
//Single message histr=ory
$response = Account::promotional()->history('single');
//Group message history
$response = Account::promotional()->history('group');
//Api message history
$response = Account::promotional()->history('api');
To fetch a list of all active surveys
$response = Account::promotional()->surveys();
To get the details of a specific survey
//Get a list of active surveys
$surveys = Account::promotional()->surveys();
//Identify the survey for which you want the details
$surveyId = $surveys->survey_ids[0]->id;
//Fetch the details
$response = Account::promotional()->surveyDetails($surveyId);
To get the results of a specific survey
//Get a list of active surveys
$surveys = Account::promotional()->surveys();
//Identify the survey for which you want the results
$surveyId = $surveys->survey_ids[0]->id;
//Fetch the results
$response = Account::promotional()->surveyResults($surveyId);
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please note that all test are integration tests meaning they will actually hit the textlocal api and consume the credits.
$ composer test
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.