Simple Jupyter notebook for analyzing the performance of financial assets over time.
Developed to work with Japan's Rakuten Securities trading history especially investment trusts (index funds).
Price histories are pulled from website.
- Parse trade history csv file downloaded from Rakuten Securities JP
- Pull price histories from EMAXIS URLs
- Calculate average acquisition price over time
- Calculate profit & loss over time
- Trade history file must be manually downloaded from Rakuten Securities website and placed in the root folder. A dummy file is given as an example.
- Parser of trade history file follows a strict format, hence modifications may be needed for other formats (different column headers, for example).
- URL list for downloading price history of assets must be defined for all assets in the trade history file.
- Running the cells and interpreting outputs should be self-explanatory.
- csv files have to follow a strict format with predefined column headers.
- does not yet account for selling assets
The code may contain mistakes. Use at your own risk. The author is not affiliated with nor has any rights to Rakuten Securities and EMAXIS.