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AcroBot is an IRC bot that expands a provided acronym or abbreviation, if available. It supports context tags (@tag_name) to distinguish between various usages, and to differentiate between like acronyms.

This is the upstream source of the original bot, conceived and written by [email protected] and upon which all variations have been based.


Acrobot looks for the file named acrobot.yaml first in $HOME, then where AcroBot.rb was installed

The configuration values available are:

  • nick: The nickname AcroBot will use in-channel
  • realname: Expanded realname (usually used for instructions on how to get help)
  • user: The user AcroBot uses to connect to IRC
  • server: The IRC server to use
  • channels: List of channels to join. Format is ['#CHAN-1','#CHAN-2',...]
  • prefix: Prefix for AcroBot to pay attention to (usually /^!/ )

Abbreviations File

AcroBot uses several flat YAML files to store the abbreviations it has learned about. These files live in #{install_dir}/. Abbreviations are initially saved to draft.yaml. They are later reviewed and either verified, updated, or discarded.

AcroBot must have RW access to draft.yaml and R access to all other dictionary files when running.

YAML verification

To verify that the YAML files in the project are valid, a script is provided:

ruby verify_yaml.rb

The script will return a non-zero exit code in case of failures.