HyperTriplets is a phylogenetic tool that makes a supetree based on triplets
analysis. It takes as input several gene trees in Newick format.
Unix Platform;
> tar -zxvf HyperTriplets_vXXX.tgz
> cd hypertriplets
> ./hypertriplets_db -treedir <tree_directory>
> ./hypertriplets_analayse -table <hash_file>
> ./hypertriplets_db -man
> ./hypertriplets_analyse -man
HyperTriplets is ready to use in most of Unix Platform. But it only
works if the folder lib/ that follow this script is in the same
location. If you want to freely run HyperTriplets in other location, add
the HyperTriplets folder into the environment variable by using, for
example, the following commands:
> echo "export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/program/hypertriplets/" >> ~/.bashrc
> source ~/.bashrc
In the hypertriplets directory try the following commands
> ./hypertriplets_db -treedir sample_trees/ -out sample_db.tab
> ./hypertriplets_analayse -table sample_db.tab -out sample_result
*.dat: file with OTU found in the tree;
*.dis: file containing the mean distance of OTU pairs;
*.tri: file containing the frequence of each triplet topology;
*.best.nwk: the best supertree found in Newick format.
*_allTree.nwk: all tree generated by hypertriplets in Newick format.
*_allScore.txt: score of generated tree.
*_itol.txt: a file containing a pie chart dataset with branch support values.
Upload the supertree and this file to iToL.