My solution of
- H.2.4 Increment (75 nands)
- H.2.5 Subtraction (139 nands)
- H.4.1 Logic Unit (148 nands)
- H.4.2 Arithmetic Unit (211 nands)
- H.4.3 ALU (407 nands)
- H.4.4 Condition (50 nands)
- H.5.1 Latch (4 nands)
- H.6.2 Instruction (506 nands)
- H.6.3 Control Unit (563 nands)
- O.2.5 Barrel Shift Left 4bits (181 nands)
- O.3.1 Max (106 nands)
- O.3.2 Multiplication (1404 nands)
- O.4.2 Floating-point multiplication (157 nands)
- O.4.3 Normalize overflow (57 nands)
- O.4.4 Verify exponent (41 nands)
- O.4.5 Align significands (327 nands)
- O.4.6 Add signed magnitude (198 nands)
- O.4.7 Normalize underflow (207 nands)
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Half-add is enough.
We will re-use this in Optional Levels later.
A very special component to select between (y, 0, 1, y').
- add16+c: 9 * 15 + 8 = 143
- decoder part1: 11
- decoder part2: 15
- decoder part3: 14
- select16: 48
- lut2x16: 9 * 16 = 144
- inv16x2: 32
Splitting into data[15] and data[14:0] simplifies the logic.
A traditional D latch.
Note: If you use "select1" in this level, unfortunately this is not correct in reality and can only exist in the game. If we expand the "select1" in this solution, we will find that the output is connected to an SR nand latch, in which it is illegal when S' = 0, R' = 0 (when st = 1 and d = 1) at the same time.
- select16: 3 * 16 = 48 nands
- alu: 407 nands
- condition: 50 nands
- final: 1 + 48 + 407 + 50 = 506 nands
- a or 1: 2 nands
- alu instruction: 506 nands
- other selectors: 1 + 3 * 16 + 2 * 3 = 55 nands
- final: 55 + 2 + 506 = 563 nands
We exactly know which bits will become 0 and we can use "and" instead of "select".
- bit0: 1 + 3 * 15 + 2 * 1 = 48
- bit1: 1 + 3 * 14 + 2 * 2 = 47
- bit2: 1 + 3 * 12 + 2 * 4 = 45
- bit3: 1 + 3 * 8 + 2 * 8 = 41
Let high.lte and high.gte denote that a <= b and a >= b in the higher bits.
- Select a if gte && !lte;
- Select b if !gte && lte;
- Compare a and b if lte && gte.
This work implements a 16bits x 16bits = 16bits Vedic Multiplier. (I think someone else's answers were 8bits x 8bits = 16bits.)
Since the overflow bit should be discarded according to the question, two types of components are designed. "mul4*4=4" omits the 4 overflow bits (and you may find this type of components are quite easy to understand). "mul4*4=8" keeps the 4 carry bits.
- mul2*2=2: 8 nands
- mul2*2=4: 13 nands
- mul4*4=4: "mul2*2=4" * 1 + "mul2*2=2" * 2 + fullAddWithoutCarry * 2 + halfAdd * 2 = 55 nands
- mul4*4=8: "mul2*2=4" * 4 + fullAdd * 6 + halfAdd * 3 + 7 = 128 nands
- mul8*8=8: "mul4*4=8" * 1 + "mul4*4=4" * 2 + fullAddWithoutCarry * 2 + fullAdd * 4 + halfAdd * 2 = 300 nands
- mul8*8=16: "mul4*4=8" * 4 + add4 * 2 + fullAdd * 6 + halfAdd * 5 + 7 = 670 nands
- mul16*16=16: "mul8*8=16" * 1 + "mul8*8=8" * 2 + fullAddWithoutCarry * 2 + add4 * 2 + fullAdd * 4 + halfAdd * 2 = 1404 nands
Bathija, Rajesh et al. “Low Power High Speed 16x16 bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics.” International Journal of Computer Applications 59 (2012): 41-44.
The max possible exp is 0x1e + 0x1e - 15 = 45. So the output is 6-bits. (X + Y - 15) = (X + Y + 0b110001).
The final nands showed by the game make no sense because the 11 x 11 = 22bits multiplcation is complicated. Anyway...
- select1 * 10: 30 nands
- halfAdd1 * 4: 20 nands
- final: 20 + 4 + 1 + 30 + 2 = 57 nands
The largest difference in the exponent bit is 0x1e - 0x1 = 0x1d, which needs a 5-bits shift-right. Translate the result of sub5 into the 5-bits shift-right.
- sub5: 36 + 5 = 41
- select5: 3 * 5 = 15
- translate(+): 11
- translate(-): 25
- barrel.shr11.bit0: 2 * 1 + 3 * 10 = 32
- barrel.shr11.bit1: 2 * 2 + 3 * 9 = 31
- barrel.shr11.bit2: 2 * 4 + 3 * 7 = 29
- barrel.shr11.bit3: 2 * 8 + 3 * 3 = 25
- barrel4.shr11: 32 + 31 + 29 + 25 = 117
- final: 41 + 15 + 1 + 11 + 25 + 117 * 2 = 327
- if higher bit is gte, calculate a - b - c
- if higher bit is lte, calculate b - a - c
- if higher bit is eq and current bit is gte, calculate a - b - c
- if higher bit is eq and current bit is lte, calculate b - a - c
- if both eq, a - b - c and b - a - c will be the same thing
I don't actually know what to do if the exponent is less than 1 after a left shift on a too small input number. This answer will return an underflow exponent in this case. (ex: exp = 1 and sf = 0x1ff.)
- clz4: 10
- clz8: clz4 * 2 + 10 = 30
- clz3: 6
- clz11: clz8 + clz3 + 14 = 50
- barrel.shl11.bit0: 3 * 10 + 2 * 1 = 32
- barrel.shl11.bit1: 3 * 9 + 2 * 2 = 31
- barrel.shl11.bit2: 3 * 7 + 2 * 4 = 29
- barrel.shl11.bit3: 3 * 3 + 2 * 8 = 25
- barrel4.shl: 117
- inv4: 4
- sub5-4: 4 + 9 * 3 + 5 = 36
- final: 50 + 117 + 4 + 36 = 207
More explain about clz11:
- clz4 returns z' = 0, y1' = 0, y0' = 0 if all inputs are 0.
- clz8 returns z' = 0, y2' = 1, y1' = 0, y0' = 0 if all inputs are 0.
- clz3 returns z' = 0, y1' = 0, y0' = 1 if all inputs are 0.
- clz11 returns y3' = 1, y2' = 1, y1' = 1, y0' = 1 if all inputs are 0.