What's Changed
- docs: add keycloak operator guide by @Lenbkr in #117
- docs: Patch docs by @scott45 in #121
- 20240806 yaml docs by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #123
- docs: Use working Arango version in docker compose file by @scott45 in #125
- docs: changed frmscoe to tazama-lf org by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #132
- docs: update links to contributing by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #134
- fix: patched macOS shell script search strings by @Justus-at-Tazama in #135
- fix: add header to guide by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #137
- feat: added environmental Variables consolidation research by @JeanPierreNell in #138
- feat: new demo UI guide created by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #139
- docs: demo ui guide update mobile number by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #140
- Create Encapsulation-of-environment-variables.md by @cshezi in #141
- fix: Issue 227 Add Tazama into to LICENSE by @leeivyca in #143
- docs: demo ui deployment instructions by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #147
- docs: fix page breaks by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #150
- docs: refactor environment variables document after encapsulation of environment varibles by @cshezi in #152
- docs: demo guide formatting by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #153
- docs: demo guide breaks by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #154
- doc: batch ppa wishlist by @cshezi in #158
- docs: Update full-service-full-stack-docker-tazama.md by @scott45 in #162
- docs: Update macos-deploy-all-tazama-rule-processors.sh by @scott45 in #161
- Relay service stress tests by @UmairKhan-Paysys in #151
- docs update for multi-currency by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #157
- docs: update efrup by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #156
- docs: guides updated by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #163
- docs: demo guide ip address change by @Sandy-at-Tazama in #164
- feat: Release V2.1.0 by @scott45 in #144
New Contributors
- @JeanPierreNell made their first contribution in #138
- @leeivyca made their first contribution in #143
- @UmairKhan-Paysys made their first contribution in #151
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0